Keeping up with change at a national level DFE now has three executive agencies, which have replaced a range of “arm’s length bodies”, such as QCDA, TDA, GTC. Each executive agency: Is directly accountable within the DFE Has its own chief executive Has its own budget
DFE Executive Agencies Standards and Testing Agency (STA) Development and delivery of statutory assessment from early years to the end of KS3 The Education Funding Agency (EFA) National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) Leadership development Workforce supply, retention and quality The regulation of teacher conduct
The changing education landscape Wider range of work-based routes into teaching: School Direct, Teach First, SCITT (graduate) Troops to Teachers (non-graduate) National curriculum revision (only applies to mainstream maintained schools) and changes to assessment (levels to be removed – schools to decide how they assess pupil progress) curriculum/nationalcurriculum2014/ Information also in your pack
Changes to SEND SEND changes and new Code of Practice due from September 2014 – All schools subject to these – information in your pack Draft SEND CoP emphasises the importance of Quality First Teaching and the responsibilities of teachers to meet SENDs Statements of SEN to be replaced by Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC) EHC will cover the age range 0 to 25 years School Action and School Action+ to be replaced by a single graduated approach called SEN Support
Changes to SEND New funding arrangements – schools responsible for funding SEND support up to first £6,000 Personal budgets for pupils with EHC plans Increased focus on outcomes Strong emphasis on joint working across Education, Health and Social Care agencies Expectation of greater partnership working with parents across all agencies Local authorities to produce a “local offer” of what is support available for pupils with SENDs and their parents – and keep under review
Changes to SEND Term “BESD/SEBD” dropped Now Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs All other areas of need retained DfE guidance Mental health and behaviour in schools: Departmental advice for school staff (June ) file/326551/Mental_Health_and_Behaviour_-_Information_and_ Tools_for_Schools_final_website__2__ pdf
Keeping up with change: Websites DfE Ofsted National Union of Teachers TEShttp:// New Teachers Website (TES and NUT)
Guidance for supply teachers NUT guidance for supply teachers (in pack) NUT guidance for supply teachers on Agency Worker Regulations Teacher Support support/practical-guides/supply-teaching Supply Bag Supply bag also has a six-module certificated CPD self study course for supply teachers (£45)
Supply Publications Segell, G Supply teachers Survival Guide Rogers, B Effective Supply Teaching
Supply Publications Gleeves, P (2009) Practical Tips and Expert Guidance for Primary Supply Teachers French, L. (2012) Brilliant Supply Teacher: What You Need to Know to be a Truly Outstanding Teacher
Behaviour Publications Rogers, B Classroom Behaviour Hook, P & Vass, A Behaviour Management Pocket Book.
The rest of this session …. Is for you (in phase groups) to list the key information that you will aim to aim to get from schools when you arrive …. And develop a personal toolkit to make you life easier But before you begin, a little inspiration ….