“Touch the Spirit” Activities honoring the spirit in dementia care Kay Kallander, Paul Jepson David Troxel American Baptist Homes of West (ABHOW)
ABHOW 62 years old Based in Northern California with 36 CCRCs and Affordable Housing Communities in: –California –Arizona –Washington –Nevada
Accredited Program CARF-CCAC Accreditation –ABHOW’s Groves were the first multi-site organization to be accredited for dementia care
Touch the Spirit Our signature activity program designed to incorporate spiritual care at its best throughout our memory care programs.
Religion and Spirituality Religion can be seen through practices, traditions, personal experiences, rites and rituals Spirituality can be seen in the pursuit of a universal understanding of truth
Religion and Spirituality For residents with dementia, the important truth is to allow for the experience to be personally meaningful. Where is joy…love…satisfaction? “Touch the Spirit”
Love of Nature Walking out of doors Bird-watching Gardening Enjoying books on national parks
Meditation Reflection and remembrance Talking about meaningful subjects Stretching, Yoga and Tai chi Love of Peace and Reflection
Love of Animals Sophie the St. Bernard and resident
Relationships Affection Touch Hugs Non verbal moments Love of People
Volunteering as part of the community Helping others Intergenerational projects Love of Community
Celebrating the Arts –Daphne Gormley Santa Barbara, CA Love of Personal Creativity
Membership in a faith community Prayer Religious music Traditions and customs Artist: Daphne Gormley Love of Faith
Love of Relationships –The Two Sisters Pablo Picasso
Touch the Spirit Provides meaningful experiences that touch the spirit of each individual person….
I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better. Maya Angelou
Kay Kallander, Senior Vice-President for Strategic Planning Paul Jepson Asst. Vice President for Care Services David Troxel, Consultant Contact