N W E S April 11th, 2011 Weekly Publication of the Rotary Club of Arlington North “The Friendliest Club In Town” since June 4, 1982 THE FOUR-WAY TEST OF.


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Presentation transcript:

N W E S April 11th, 2011 Weekly Publication of the Rotary Club of Arlington North “The Friendliest Club In Town” since June 4, 1982 THE FOUR-WAY TEST OF THE THINGS WE THINK, SAY OR DO: 1 ST.. Is it the Truth? 2 nd.. Is it Fair to all concerned? 3 rd.. Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships? 4 th.. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? Jones, Jimmy C. April 10 Gette, Timothy April 11 Ip, Terry April 13 Callaghan, Stace April 15 Shipley, Nelda April 20 Keathley, Bryan C. April 26 GREETERS & INVOCATION 04/11 - Lucy Ivonelli & Adnan Bahar Invocation: Lucy Ivonelli 04/18 - Mike McArthur & Bryan Keathley Invocation: Bryan Keathley 04/25 - Terry Ip & Kris Hinkley Invocation: Kris Hinckley 05/02 - Lance Brownlee & Stace Callaghan Invocation: Stace Callaghan Upcoming Programs Apr 11 Jeff Provence Lamar High SchoolJeff Provence Apr 18 Joe Shannon Criminal district attorneyJoe Shannon Apr 25 Paul Rothschild Prostate Cancer AwarenessPaul Rothschild May 9 Jim & Karen Bass Boys & Girls club volunteer opportunitiesJim & Karen Bass Last Weeks Program was Lamar HS IB/Interact Club on Water Purification Needs around the World. Despite the fact that water is one of the few necessities of life, millions of people around the world do not have access to clean, usable drinking quality water. There are 1.1 billion people worldwide who do not have access to clean drinking water, and about 2.6 billion people who lack the means to sanitize the water they do have access to. Almost 42,000 people die each month from diseases related to low quality drinking water and lack of sanitation. According to the World Health Organization it is even said that “At any one time, half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from water-borne diseases.” There are two key issues on water quality that are threatening the lives of millions. These are fecal contamination and contamination of drinking water with naturally occurring arsenic or fluoride which, over time, leaves people severely crippled and can lead to death. Other problems with contamination stem from salt-water intrusion as well as corrosive groundwater that can damage pumps and pipes, making the act of bringing water to those who need it even more expensive. The areas that are affected the most also happen to be the areaswhere populations are growing the fastest, such as Africa and Southeast Asia. However, health problems are not the only ones caused by a lack of access to clean water. The average for a family of six people in Sub- Saharan Africa, it takes around three hours to collect & carry home enough water for cooking, drinking, and basic hygiene. The role of water sanitation and access to clean, usable water affects the education of children. (Continued on page 3)

COMPASS is Produced and edited by: Stacy Callaghan and Kelly L Lewis - For comments or suggestions – to WHEELCHAIR PROGRAM RAFFLE! The lucky member or guest whose ticket is pulled, gets a chance at winning ½ the Pot if they draw the Ace of Spades. The pot is over $3,200! This benefits the on behalf of our Club. MEALS ON WHEELS We Need your Help! Club Officers President – Kelly Lewis President Elect – Steve Gende Immediate Past President –Mike Cobb Secretary – Stace Callaghan Treasurer – Jim Bass Directors/Avenues of Service Club Service – Clint Cockerell Community Service – Annys Laufer Vocational Service – Jeff Provence & Greg Miller International Service – Bryan Keathley Rotary Foundation– Joe Bruner Family of Rotary – Doreen Bruner & Kelly Lewis Publications – Stacy Callaghan & Kelly Lewis Publicity –Michael Gonzales Sergeant of Arms – Jimmy Gary ARLINGTON NORTH’S MEALS ON WHEELS ROUTE Our service area for Arlington is east Arlington, although it’s called South Arlington at Meals on Wheels. We meet Thursdays at 10:00 – 10:15 a.m. at St Marks Episcopal Church, 2024 South Collins Street (just north of Pioneer). Bring a couple of insulated containers (insulated bags are good). Also bring a map, since the route might of changed a little since the last time you were there. Our route is mostly east of the church, with the majority at an apartment complex at New York and Arkansas. From the time you arrive at the church, it should take no more than an hour to complete the route! Questions: Annys Laufer, Community Service. Join us and Register Now for a great party at the Conference! Register Now. 14th of April Doreen Bruner & Annys Laufer

Local Make Up Meeting Locations Tuesday-NoonArlington West Shady Valley Country Club Tuesday-6:00pmArlington Sunset J. Gilligans – (400 East Abram) **New Location Wednesday-NoonGreat Southwest Humperdinks (700 Six Flags Dr.) Thursday-NoonArlington Downtown 1 st Methodist Church (Center & Division) Friday-6:45 amArlington Sunrise Division Street Dinner (1800 W. Division) Friday-NoonArlington SouthSpring Creek Barbeque (S. Cooper St) Send makeup information (time & place) to the Sergeant at Arms on the next Monday meeting, or to Stacy Callaghan at: (also a good for other secretary or newsletter items) Fellow Rotarians, Reading a quality magazine like the Rotarian provides a brief relief from the intense demand of the digital information age. With the Rotarian, we can have a more thoughtful focus on ways to serve mankind. The Rotarian is also a great source of information on Board decisions, upcoming events and general interest. Relief from Digital Tsunami In the Rotarian April issue, author Frank Bures describes how dependent we are on the internet to find information and communicate, and yet we are drowning in data. He notes that our efforts to multi-task are preventing us from a deeper understanding of information. As a remedy he recommends spending a “day offline” each week to enable anxiety levels to go down, energy to increase, focus to return and the false sense of urgency that the Internet seems to foster to disappear. Relaxing with the Rotarian Magazine seems to be one of the ways to briefly relieve the daily tidal wave of digital information and contemplate a higher purpose. Time of Transition This month we enter the final quarter of the Rotary Year. It is an important time of transition for Rotary, as incoming club leadership will be attending Assembly Training on April 16 th at Tarrant County College (Fort Worth). Follow Through On May 6,7,8 we have the Annual District Conference at the beautiful new Hurst Conference Center (Hurst, Texas). All members are encouraged to come and celebrate the achievements of and honor those who serve. Both of these events (Conference and Assembly) play an essential role in the relevancy and continuity of Rotary to our community and the world.Thank you in advance for your commitment to District Governor Paul Monthly Update following through on your efforts which are making an excellent year. It will be great to see you at the District Conference next month and with you celebrate service and honor those who serve. Registration for the District Conference is now available in the “Events” section of our Website or click here: Register Now for discounted rates Thank you for all you are doing in Rotary Service, Paul __________________________ (Continued from page one) Water is intimately linked with education and gender equality. Girls who have to spend time gathering water for the family tend not to be in school. And where schools have sanitation, attendance is higher, especially for girls. Water is connected to health, since millions of children get sick and die every year from water-borne diseases and for lack of basic sanitation and hygiene.

Club Roster PP- Past President PHF-Paul Harris Fellow MD-Rotary Major Donor B- Rotary Benefactor BS- Rotary Bequest Society DG- District Governor, PDG- Past District Governor Adnan Bahar (PHF) Building Operations Jim Bass (Treasurer-PP-PHF) Consulting Automotive Finance Jimmy Bennett Accounting Commercial Lance Brownlee Education-Religious Doreen Bruner (PHF-B) Non-Profit youth Joe Bruner (Rotary Foundation, PP-PHF-B) Accounting – Commercial Stace Callaghan (Secretary, Publications-PHF) Real Estate – Residential Chuck Chambers (PP-PHF) Advertising – Signs Mike Cobb- (PP) Contractor-HVAC Clint Cockerell (Club Service) Banking Pat Conner (PHF) Wholesale Distribution / Entrepreneur Brenda Crayne Emergency Operations Sales Willie Dean PHD Non-Profit – Administration Don Ellis (PHF) Banking & Insurance Craig Forster Financial Services Steve Gende ( President Elect ) Investment Advisor Timothy Gette Museum Management Michael Gonzales (Publicity) Non Profit – Youth Kris Hinckley Certified Public Accountant Barry Hines Law Enforcement Lucy Iovinelli (PP-PHF) Travel Agent Terry Ip Photographer Hank Jacobs (PP-PHF) General Dentistry Jimmy Jones (PP-PHF-B) Education- Administration (Retired) Bryan Keathley (International Service, PHF) Insurance – Group and Personal Annys Laufer (Community Service) Real Estate – Residential Mel LeBlanc Medical Sales Kelly L Lewis (President, Publications) Realtor – Residential Barbara Lucas (PP-PHF) Religion – Christian Michael McArthur Security-District Sales Mgr Dick McCree ( PP-PHF-B-MD) Automotive Repair Service Reg McDaniel (PHF) Medical / Physician Greg Miller (Vocational Service, PHF) Retail - Office Furniture John Miller (PP-PHF-PDG) Distribution Consultant Kimberly Phillips Landscape Architect Don Pittman (PP-PHF) Travel Agency Jeff Provence (Vocational Service) Education Administration HS Marc Stach (PP-PHF) Law – General Practice