Rare B Decays at Mousumi Datta University of Wisconsin, Madison On behalf of the BaBar Collaboration XII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering April 2004
2 Outline Introduction Motivation Experimental techniques Rare hadronic B decays Radiative and electroweak B decays Purely leptonic B decays Summary All results are preliminary unless referenced. DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
3 DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison SM and Rare B Decays . Good agreement between Standard Model (SM) and the experimental results up to now. To be sensitive to possible new physics (NP) and to test SM consider decays with small SM rates. Look at : Processes dominated by penguin loops CKM suppressed decays Purely leptonic decays Rare B Decays
4 SM and Rare B Decays (cont’) New physics particles in loops might show up in: Different rates, kinematic distributuios than SM only Different CP violation than SM only DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison Constrain the SM Time dependent CP measurements (L. Li Gioi’s talk) Direct (time integrated) CP measurement Decay rates Compare theoretical predictions Constrain CKM parameters : |V td /V ts | from B K* , Kinematic distributions : K *, X s l + l -
5 Direct CP Asymmetry Different decay rates for B f and B f need 2 decay amplitudes with different weak phase and different strong phase: Weak phase difference Strong phase difference Penguin-dominated decays like B K (*), K , K* have small A CP in SM sensitive to extra CP-violating phases due to NP DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
6 PEP-II Luminosity Performance Best Peformance PEPII peak Luminosity : 8.305x10 33 cm -2 sec hours : pb -1 On-peak (fb -1 ) Run Run Run 4 data taking in progress: ~100 fb -1 by July DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison 89.7 10 6 BB 82 fb -1 on-peak data for analysis 10 6 BB
7 Standard Variables in (4S) Frame e + e - (4S) BB B produced almost at rest in (4S) frame For B decay with no missing particles use beam energy to constrain mass and energy of the reconstructed B background signal background 0 for signal m B for signal E and m ES provide uncorrelated measurement of energy and mass DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
8 Rare Hadronic B Decays Suppressed at tree(T) level due to Cabbibo, FCNC, etc. Significant Penguin (P) contribution. Hadronic decay modes covered in the talk Tree diagram Penguin diagram DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison B , K , KK B → ρρ and ρK* B K (*) / B (') K (*) and (') / B ( ) ( )
9 B Measure eff from time dependent CP analysis of B 0 + - decay Measure eff from time dependent CP analysis of B 0 + - decay Constrain using isospin connection for decays BF(B 0 + - )= (4.7 0.6 0.2) (PRL, hep-ex/ ) B 0 + 82 fb -1 (PRL, hep-ex/ ) (PRL, hep-ex/ ) DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison d u u Tree CKM suppressed Penguin diagram B + - Color suppressed tree for B 0 0 B + + 82 fb -1
10 B 0 0 113 fb -1 BF(B 0 0 0 ) = (2.1 ± 0.6 ± 0.3) Observed events = 46 ± 13 ± 3 (PRL,hep-ex/ ) SM prediction BF ~ ( ) With WA Br(B 0 0 ) | - eff |<48 o at 90% c.l. B (Cont’) Observation of significant excess of 0 0 events Bound on penguin pollution Grossman Quinn bound PRD 58 (1998)
11 Summary of BF (10 -6 ) for K , and KK Mode BF (10 -6 ) A cp L (fb -1 ) K+ -K+ 0.9 , 113 K0 +K0 1.7 0.08 K+ 0K+ 0.09 K0 0K0 1.7 0.36 + -+ - 4.7 0.6 + 0+ 0 0 00 0 2.1 0.6 K + K - < 90% CL -82 K + K 0 < 90% CL -82 K 0 < 90% CL -82 KK decays more sensitive to rescattering : No sign of rescattering (FSI) yet A cp consistant with zero Ratio of BF for and K sensitive to angle DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison Time dep. CP analysis of K s 0 using 113 fb -1 Measure sin2 PRL
12 ( + - )/ (K + - ) 0.26 ± 0.04 ± 0.02 (K + - )/ (K 0 + ) 0.87 ± 0.08 ± (K + 0 )/ (K 0 + ) 1.15 ± 0.14 ± 0.12 (K + - )/2 (K 0 0 ) 0.79 ± 0.12 ± 0.06 Isospin ratios << 1/ 2 if tree only Significant Penguin contribution Isospin symmetry holds well for penguin dominated modes ( EW penguin small) Need more statistics for further constraint Isospin sum rule (Gronau et. al. (2003), hep-ph/ ) (Lipkin) BaBar: 1.21 0.13 Belle(LP03): 1.25 0.15 New Physics ? K and < 4% *Ratios calculated by speaker, assuming errors are uncorrelated DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
13 B → ρρ, ρK* and K (*) / B VV: Longitudinal polarization ( f L ≡ L / ) Expect: f L ~ 1 – O(M 2 V /M 2 B ) Time dependent CP analysis: Sin(2 ) K 0 and Sin(2 eff ) from Search for direct CP violation. DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
14 B 0 + - N S = 224 ± 29 B → ρρ and ρK * Mode BF (10 -6 ) Polarization ( L / ) A CP B 0 + - 30 4 5 - B+→ρ+ρ0B+→ρ+ρ0B+→ρ+ρ0B+→ρ+ρ 0.23 0.03 B0→ρ0ρ0B0→ρ0ρ0B0→ρ0ρ0B0→ρ0ρ0 -- B + →ρ 0 K* + | - Eff | < 13 o ( ) at 68% CL Grossman Quinn bound PRD 58 (1998) % Longitudinal Polarization CP even DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison L=82 fb -1 PRL Time dep. CP measurement for + - also updated with 113 fb -1. (preliminary)
15 B K (*) / ModeBF (10 -6 )A CP Polarisation K 0 -- K 0.09 + + 90% CL-- K* 1.3 0.12 0.07 0.02 K* 0.17 0.12 0.03 K (*) Expect similar BF all K (*) modes BF( + )<4 [90% CL] (No indication for rescattering – as KK) Polarisation small hep-ex/ hep-ex/ L=82 fb -1 DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison Small f L still not understood – may be related to penguins [Bauer, Pirjol, Rothstein, Stewart, hep-ph/ ; Kagan] B K *0 full angular analysis with 113 fb -1 f L = 0.52 0.07 0.02 (preliminary)
16 (') / (') K (*) and (') / Decays () and + are dominated by tree diagram as penguin diagrams are suppressed. K, K* enhanced K, K* suppressed Interference Flavour singlet diagram: Also important for K* CKM suppressed H Lipkin Phys Lett B254 (1991) 247 Similarly for K 0, K *0 except no external tree. DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
17 ( , )(K, ,K*, , 0 ), 0, 0 PRL 91, , PRL 92, Submitted to PRD hep-ex/ L=82 fb -1 K BF times larger than initially expected values. In agreement with recent NLO QCD prediction (Beneke and Neubert, (2003) Nucl. Phys. B 651, 225). Large asymmetry predicted for +, small for + Chiang, Gronau, Luo, Rosner and Suprun [hep-ph/ ] DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison K* measurement not precise enough to determine the presence of flavor singlet component.
18 CLEO Isoscalar ( , , , )( , , , ) 8 of 10 combinations , , , , , , , (not , ) L=82 fb -1 Submitted to PRL DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
19 Correlated bounds on CP asymmetries in B 0 K s Gronau, Rosner & Zupan, hep- ph/ , April 2004] Predictions for K s Time Dependent asymmetry S,C HFAG average DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison From 0 0, 0 , 0 ’, , ’ ’, ’ From 0 0, K + K -, 0 , ’ Previous bounds Similar bounds from [Grossman-Ligeti-Nir-Quinn, PRD 68, (2003).]
20 Rare decays aren’t so “rare” DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
21 B K* and / B / : (PRL, hep-ex/ ) B K* (Preliminary) Iso-spin asym. 0- = = 0.044(stat) 0.023(sys) 0.024(R +/0 ) SM prediction: (+5 to +10)% Time dep. CP analysis B 0 K *0 (K s 0 ) with 113 fb -1 Prediction Measurement BF(B 0 K *0 (K + -,K 0 s 0 ) ) 7.5 0.20 0.24 BF(B + K *+ (K + 0,K 0 s + ) ) 7.5 0.28 0.26 A CP (K * (K + -, K + 0, K 0 s + ) < 1% BF(B 0 0 ( + - ) ) 0.5 – 0.75 < 1.2 BF(B + + ( + 0 ) ) 0.8 – 1.5 < 2.1 BF(B 0 ( + - 0 ) ) 0.5 – 0.75 < % CL L=82 fb -1 L=78 fb -1 DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
22 L=82 fb -1 Semi-inclusive B X s A cp = 0.05 (for total sample) A cp = 0.10 0.02 (for high purity sample) Submitted to PRL X s fully reconstructed in 12 exclusive self-tagging modes DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
23 B K (*) l + l - SM Prediction (10 -6 ) BF(B → Kl + l - ) = 0.35 0.12 BF(B → K*e + e - ) = 1.58 0.49 BF(B K* + - ) = 1.19 0.39 Ali et al. (hep-ph/ , 2001) B K*l + l - B Kl + l - L=113.1 fb >8 PRL, hep-ex/ PRL, hep-ex/ DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
24 L=82 fb -1 Semi-inclusive B X s l + l - Less theoretical uncertainty Observables: BF, m(l + l - ), m(X s ), A FB (m(l + l - )) X s reconstructed in 10 modes: uncounted states ~25% of the total rate In signal region m(l + l - )> 0.2 GeV/c 2 41 10(stat) 2(syst) events observed Prediction for m(l + l - )>0.2 GeV/c 2 : (4.2 0.7) ( Ali, hep-ph/ , 2002) DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison Xse+e-Xse+e- Xs+-Xs+- Xsl+l-Xsl+l- XseXse
25 B K B K FCNC transition 2 ’s in the final state Reconstruct one B & look for signal in the recoil side B - K - simulation Data 80.7 fb -1 BF < 1.05 x10 90% CL Hadronic B Sample Semileptonic B Sample Combined 90% CL < 7.0 x fb -1 BF < 9.4 x10 90% CL SM Expectation: ~ 4 DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
26 B + + at 81.4 fb -1 B + + simulation Data BF(B + + ) < 6.6 10 90% CL (PRL) Purely leptonic decay are helicity suppressed in SM Purely leptonic decay are helicity suppressed in SM B + l + : SM expectation: BF(B + + ) ~ 4 BF(B + + ) ~ 9 Provide measurement of f B |V ub | Sensitive to charged Higgs, leptoquarks. B + l + B + l + L=81.4 fb -1 DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
27 B Multiple ’s in the final state Reconstruct one B & look for signal in the recoil side. Combined limit BF < 4.1 x at 90% CL Semileptonic B Sample Includes e, total ~ 0.07 % BF < 4.9 x10 90% CL L=81.9 fb -1 Hadronic B Sample Includes e, , , 0, 3 total ~ % BF < 7.7 x10 90% CL Existing tightest limit (L3) BF < 5.7 x at 90% CL BF < 5.7 x at 90% CL E extra (GeV) Semileptonic Sample DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
28Summary Large amount B mesons produced at B-factories First observation of many rare decay modes More precise measurement of BFs Tighter upper limits on BFs BaBar haven’t seen evidence of direct CP violation yet. Precise measurements of A CP in future will enable further tests of models. No strong evidence of NP. Measurements and search for many more rare decay modes continuing The expected increase in luminosity of the B Factories promises a continuing, rich harvest of physics DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison Stay tuned for the summer results.
29 Backup Slides
30 PEP-II Asymmetric B-Factory at SLAC Asymmetric collider operation at (4S) resonance (E cms =10.58 GeV) 3.1 GeV e + and 9 GeV e - B-mesons in lab have =0.56 B B production threshold DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
31 The BaBar Detector DIRC PID) 144 quartz bars PMs 1.5 T solenoid EMC 6580 CsI(Tl) crystals Drift Chamber 40 stereo layers Instrumented Flux Return iron / RPCs (muon / neutral hadrons) Silicon Vertex Tracker 5 layers, double sided strips e + (3.1 GeV) e - (9 GeV) SVT: 97% efficiency, 15 mm z hit resolution (inner layers, perp. tracks) SVT+DCH: (p T )/p T = 0.13 % p T % DIRC: K- separation GeV/c GeV/c EMC: E /E = 2.3 % E -1/4 1.9 % DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
32 Continuum Suppression B Signal u,d,s,c background Fisher Discriminant Arbitrary Units e+e+ e-e- e+e+ e-e- qq Signal B Other B B decays: isotropic Examples of topological variables using these properties: Thrust Energy cones Continuum (u,d,s,c): jet-like Variables are used in a Fisher or a Neural Net (NN) DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
33 BF & A CP for B , K, , K ModeBF (10 -6 )A CP L (fb -1 ) B 0 → ρ π 22.6 1.8 0.06 (PRL), 113 B 0 → ρ - K 0.12 (PRL) B 0 → ρ 0 π 0 < 90% CL -82 (PRL) B + → ρ + π 1.9 0.16 (PRL) B + → ρ 0 π 1.1 0.11 (PRL) B + → ρ 0 K + 90% CL (PRL) B 0 → ω K (PRL) B + → ω K 0.8 0.17 (PRL) B 0 → ω π 0 < 90% CL -82 (PRD) B + → ω π 0.9 0.16 (PRL) Measure eff from time dependent CP analysis of BF of and K are in good agreement with theoretical expectation. DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
34 B K* 0 full angular analysis Direct rate asymmetries Triple-product asymmetries Fit results DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison L=113 fb -1 Preliminary
35 B K* 0 No evidence for Direct CP violation B f L =0.52 0.07 0.02 Weak evidence for FSI (2.3 Triple-product asym. (1.7 (would be evidence for New Physics Datta&London hep-ph/ ) DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
36 B A B AR 94±14(stat)±6(syst) evts L=111fb -1 Total Continuum All bgk. B A B AR Total Continuum All bgk. B 0 f 0 (980)K s, f 0 + - First Observation Structure of this scalar meson obscure. Recent studies favor usual qq states [hep-ph/ (2000)] Decay can be dominated by b sss penguin ss sizeable b uus tree doubly Cabbibo suppressed compared to leading penguin Time dependent CP measurement (see L. Ligioi’s talk) BF(B 0 f 0 (980)( + - )K 0 ) = (6.0 0.9 0.4 1.2) DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison L=111 fb -1 Preliminary
37 B a 0 (980)(K, ,K S ) Dominant tree diagram G-parity suppressed Dominant penguin a0Ka0K a0a0 a 0 + negligible compared with a 0 - (G-parity) “self-tagging” a 0 K expected to be small (Wilson-coefficient cancellation) Chernyak, PLB 509, 273 (2001).
38 B a 0 (980)(K, ,K S ) PRELIMINARY Unbinned ML fits (89M BB events); a 0 , ,3 Only previous search from BABAR (20 fb -1, LepPho 2001) Found 3.7 evidence for B 0 a 0 (980) - + Found 3.7 evidence for B 0 a 0 (980) - + Do not confirm that with substantially improved sensitivity Do not confirm that with substantially improved sensitivity Studies indicate the previous result was a statistical fluctuationStudies indicate the previous result was a statistical fluctuation B is B (B a 0 X) B (a 0 L=82 fb -1
39 B K S branching fraction B(B K 0 + - ) = (43.8 ± 3.8 ± 3.4) Comparable to, but more precise than, previous results Comparable to, but more precise than, previous results CLEO (50 ± 10 ± 7) 10 -6CLEO (50 ± 10 ± 7) Belle (45.4 ± 5.2 ± 5.9) 10 -6Belle (45.4 ± 5.2 ± 5.9) Measurement of the branching fraction integrated over the Dalitz plot Careful corrections for efficiency across Dalitz plot Consistency check from B 0 D - + with D - K S - B 0 D - + with D - K S - L=82 fb -1
40 B 0 →K + K - K S and B + →K + K S K S 3 body decay B 0 →K + K - K S (excluding B 0 → K 0 ) Time dependent CP analysis: Sin(2 ) Determine CP-even fraction using Branching fraction measurements Branching fraction measurements Isospin symmetry [Belle Collaboration, Isospin symmetry [Belle Collaboration, Phys. Rev D69, (2004)]: B 0 →K + K - K S 201±16 events L=111 fb -1 B + →K + K S K S 122±14 events B A B AR DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison BF(B 0 → K + K - K 0 )= (23.8±2.0±1.6)×10 -6 BF(B + → K + K S K S )=(10.7±1.2±1.0)×10 -6 ƒ even =0.98±0.15±0.04 Acp(B + K + K s K s ) = 0.114(stat) 0.02(syst) 0.114(stat) 0.02(syst) L=113 fb -1
41 B + →K + K - K + B + →K + - + B+ + - + BF (10 -6 ) A CP + - ++ - ++ - ++ - 3.3 0.33 0.12 K+ - +K+ - +K+ - +K+ - 3.8 0.07 0.03 K+ K- K+K+ K- K+K+ K- K+K+ K- K 2.1 0.07 0.03 K+ K- +K+ K- +K+ K- +K+ K- + < 90% CL N/A + K- ++ K- ++ K- ++ K- + < 90% CL N/A K+ - K+K+ - K+K+ - K+K+ - K+ < 90% CL N/A Charmless B + h + h - h + (h=K, ) Search for direct CPV. Measure through the interference between various charmless decays and c0 resonance (Blanco et al, Phys.Rev.Lett.86,2720(2001)) Measurement of B + + + - can be used to reduce uncertainty in measurement (Snyder and Quinn, Phys. Rev. D48, 2139(1993)) L=81.8 fb -1 PRL (hep-ex/ ) DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
42 Exclusive Branching Fractions of B + K + - + BF (10 -6 ) B + K *0 (892) +, K *0 K + - B + f 0 (980)K +, f 0 + - B + c0 K +, c0 + 0.4 0.1 B + D 0 +, D 0 K + 3.2 9.7 B + higher K *0 +, K *0 K + - B + 0 (770)K +, 0 + - <6.2 at 90% CL B + K + - + (non resonant) <17 at 90% CL B + A higher K +, f + - <12 at 90% CL L=56.4 fb -1j c0 f 0 (980) 00 higher K *0 D0D0 K *0 (892) (veto) J/ (2S) Search for direct CPV Measure through the interference between various charmless decays and c0 resonance Submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. (hep-ex/ ) Dalitz plot divided into 8 regions K *0 (892) + BF result significantly higher than prediction from many factorization models. Limit on non-resonant component dependent interference will be hard to measure DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
43 Inclusive b s L=54.6 fb -1 Signal region Onpeak data Background expectation Signal Region 2.1 < E * < 2.7 GeV DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
44 B0l+l-B0l+l-B0l+l-B0l+l- FCNC process B 0 l + l - : SM Expectation: BF(B 0 e + e - ) : 1.9 BF(B 0 + - ) : 8.0 In various SUSY models BF enhanced, B 0 e allowed. B0e+e-B0e+e-B0e+e-B0e+e- B 0 + - B0eB0eB0eB0e BF(B 0 e )<2.1 BF(B 0 e + e - ) < 3.3 Upper limits at 90% CL: BF(B 0 + - )< 2.0 L=54.4 fb -1 DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison
45 Fully reconstructed B Meson in Hadronic decays: D (*) (n) Semileptonic decays: D (*) l (statistically independent) Look for process of interest in the Recoil Pro: Background suppression! Con: Statistics limited ‘other’ B Brecoil Breco D* Y(4S) l For search of rare decays like B K, B .... Recoil Analysis sideband peak Hadronic B Sample N B B = (1.67 0.09) fb - 1 DIS 2004 Mousumi Datta, University of Wisconsin-Madison