Campus Safety and the Research about the Clery Act: Is the Act Achieving its Goals? Dennis E. Gregory Old Dominion University 2004 IACLEA Conference Ottawa, Canada June 27, 2004 Copyright © All rights reserved.
Purposes of the Clery Act Improve campus crime reporting by forcing colleges and universities to report campus crime data in a more consistent manner. Allow prospective students and their parents to make informed decisions about the relative safety of institutions to which they were considering applying for admission, Improve campus safety programs, Improve campus police procedures and policies, Raise student awareness of crime and thus change their safety related behaviors, Eliminate the perceived hiding of campus crime by institutional officials, and Reduce campus crime.
Research Questions Guiding the IACLEA Study How has the Act changed the nature of law enforcement on college and university campuses? How are institutions distributing mandated reports to their constituents? Has the Act had any impact on reducing campus crime? Do campus law enforcement officials perceive that the Act has influence influenced student behavior? Are college administrators hiding reported incidents of campus crime?
Clery and the Nature of Campus Law Enforcement 1. Has the Act served as a stimulus for improving the quality of campus law enforcement policies? Yes167 (45) No204 (55) 2. Has the Act served as a stimulus for improving the quality of campus law enforcement procedures? Yes160 (43) No233 (57) 3. Has the Act been effective in improving the quality of reporting procedures? Effective or Very Effective211(57) Ineffective or Very Ineffective160(43)
Clery and the Nature of Campus Law Enforcement 4. Has the Act been effective in improving the quality of campus safety programs? Effective or Very Effective163(44) Ineffective or Very Ineffective208(56) 5. Has the Act been effective in increasing the number of campus safety programs? Effective or Very Effective137(37) Ineffective or Very Ineffective270(73)
Clery and the Distribution of Mandated Reports 6. What is the primary method by which you distribute annual crime reports to on-campus students? Campus mail 70(19) U.S. mail 34( 9) Internet Web site112 (30) Electronic 14( 4) More than one means141(38) 7. What is the primary method by which you distribute annual crime reports to off-campus students? Campus mail 37(10) U.S. mail 63(17) Internet web site115(31) Electronic 15( 4) More than one means141(38)
Clery and the Distribution of Mandated Reports 8. What is the primary method by which you distribute annual crime reports to employees? Campus mail 104(28) U.S. mail 18 ( 4) Internet web site 109(29) Electronic 18( 4) More than one means122(33)
Clery and the Distribution of Mandated Reports 9. What is the primary method by which you distribute annual crime reports to applicants for admission? Campus mail 11( 3) U.S. mail100(27) Internet web site 93(25) Electronic 0( 0) More than one means167(45) 10. What is the primary method by which you distribute annual crime reports to applicants for employment? Campus mail 11( 3) U.S. mail 100(27) Internet web site 100(27) Electronic 0( 0) More than one means160(43)
Clery and the Distribution of Mandated Reports 11. If you post data electronically, are constituents notified by written notice that campus crime data are available in that form? Yes289(78) No 82(22) 12. Does your department keep daily crime logs? Yes371(100) No0( 0)
Clery and the Distribution of Mandated Reports 11. If you post data electronically, are constituents notified by written notice that campus crime data are available in that form? Yes289(78) No 82(22) 12. Does your department keep daily crime logs? Yes371(100) No0( 0)
Clery and the Distribution of Mandated Reports 13. Is the log available to the public? Yes371(100) No 0( 0) 14. Do you make crime reports that would NOT effect pending investigations available to the public? Yes326(88) No45(12)
Clery and Campus Crime Rates 15. Since the passage of the Act, has the campus crime rate changed? Increased 56(15) Remained the Same259(70) Decreased 56(15) 16. Can any change in the crime rate on your campus be credited to the Act and it requirements? Yes 37 (10) No334(90)
Clery and Changes in Student Behavior 17. Have students changed how they protect their property based on the information contained in the mandated reports? Yes 37 (10) No274(90) 18. Have the distribution of the mandated reports by your department increased student confidence in the campus police? Yes 89 (24) No282(76)
Clery and Changes in Student Behavior 19. Have students changed how they protect their property based on the campus safety programs and campus crime information you provide? Yes134 (36) No237(64) 20. Have students changed the way they move around the campus based on the campus safety programs and campus crime information you provide? Yes111 (30) No260(70)
Clery and Changes in Student Behavior 21. Have the campus programs delivered by your department increased student confidence in the campus police? Yes200 (54) No171(46) 22. Have the campus programs and services delivered by your department been effective in increasing the likelihood that crimes will be reported? Effective or Very Effective126(34) Ineffective or Very Ineffective245(66)
Item AACRAOASJAIACLEAAdvocatesParentsStudents Know the Act 92% 100% 93%25%27% Think students know the Act 59%51%40%--- Think students read the summary %24% Think Students read the annual report 13%24%25%3%33%27% Think reports influence college choice decisions 15%4%10%6% 8% Has the Clery Act Increased Student Safety? Research Results (Studies by Janosik, Janosik & Gehring and Gregory & Janosik)
Item AACRAOASJAIACLEAAdvocatesParentsStudents Think the reports influence behavior 22%7%10%12%-- Think students read passive ad campaigns 92%52%47%75%68%60% Think ads will change how students protect property 40%29%36%46%55%37% Think ads will change how students protect themselves 41%30%34%60%51%41% Think ads will change how students move around campus 37%26%30%47%51%25%
Has the Clery Act Increased Student Safety? Research Results (Studies by Janosik, Janosik & Gehring and Gregory & Janosik) ITEM AACRAOASJAIACLEAAdvocatesParentsStudents Think ads will increase confidence in campus police 34%47%53%25%37%25% Think that ads will increase crime reporting 49%40%34%44% 51%
Clery Act Score Card ScorePurpose P Improve campus crime reporting by forcing colleges and universities to report campus crime data in a more consistent manner. F Allow prospective students and their parents to make informed decisions about the relative safety of institutions to which they were considering applying for admission. P- Improve campus safety programs. P- Improve campus police procedures and policies. F Raise student awareness of crime and thus change their safety related behaviors. I Eliminate the perceived hiding of campus crime by institutional officials. F Reduce campus crime.
References Gregory, D. E. & Janosik, S. M. (2002). The Clery Act: How effective is It? Perceptions from the field, the current state of the research and recommendations for improvement The Stetson Law Review, 32, 1, Gregory, D.E. & Janosik, S.M. (2003, November/December). The effect of the Clery Act on campus judicial practices. Journal of College Student Development. 44(6) Griffaton, M.C. (1993). Forewarned is forearmed: The crime awareness and campus security act of 1990 and the future of institutional liability for student victimization. Case Western Reserve Law Review, 43, Janosik, S. M. (in press). Parents’ views of the Campus Crime Act and campus safety issues. Journal of College Student Development. Janosik, S. M. & Gregory, D. E. (2003, Fall). The Clery Act and Its Influence on Campus Law Enforcement Practices. NASPA Journal. 44(1) Janosik, S. M., & Gehring, D. D. (2003). The impact of the Clery Campus Crime Disclosure Act on student behavior. The Journal of College Student Development, 44, (1), Janosik, S. M. (2001). The impact of the Campus Crime Awareness Act on student behavior. NASPA Journal, 38 (3), Janosik, S. M., & Baucom, K. M. (in progress). The Clery Act and campus safety. The views of college and university registrars and admissions officers. Janosik, S. M. & Plummer, E. (in progress). The Clery Act and campus safety: The views of victim advocates.