Supersymmetric Models with 125 GeV Higgs Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tohoku University) 17 th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics Moscow State University, August,
Higgs Boson Higgs Boson Mass LHC combined ±0.21(stat. )±0.11(syst. ) GeV Signal Strength for Decay Modes CMS combined 1.00±0.14 ATLAS combined 1.18±0.15 consistent with SM prediction still some room to play with (room for BSM) 2
Motivations for Supersymmetry Unnaturalness of Higgs Sector: – gauge hierarchy problem/naturalness problem Unification of forces: Grand unification Muon g-2: possible deviation from SM Call for Beyond SM – Neutrino masses and mixings – Cosmology Connection Dark Matter, Baryogenesis, Dark Energy, Inflation 3
SUSY Search 4
Higgs Mass in MSSM In MSSM SUSY Higgs Self Coupling = gauge coupling m h < m level (SUSY relation) Large SUSY breaking loop effect can raise the Higgs mass stop-top loops 1) large log m stop /m top 2) finite A-term(stop-stop-Higgs coupling) contribution Inoue et al ‘85 Okada, MY, Yanagida ’91 Haber, Hempfling Ellis, Ridolfi, Zwirner 5
Higgs Hahn, Heinemeyer, Hollik, Rzehak, Weiglein,
Challenge to Low Energy SUSY? To achieve the observed Higgs mass (125 GeV), we need either 1)Heavy stop ( ~ 7TeV) and/or large stop mixing in MSSM or 2) Addition of new source of Higgs mass at TeV scale e.g. Vector-like Generation (T+Tbar) Additional Gauge Sym. (eg. U(1) B-L sym.) Singlet Extension 7
Singlet Extensions New Sources to increase Higgs Mass 1)tree-level coupling (significant only for small tan ) 2)Higgs/Higgsino loop (>0, for heavy singlet boson) 3) Doublet-Singlet Mixing (>0, for light singlet boson) If singlet boson is light, mixing increases doublet Higgs mass. Jeong, Shoji & MY ‘11, ‘12, ’14 Choi, Im, Jeong & MY ‘12 2 |H u H d | 2 : new contribution to the Higgs potential superpotential New coupling: Higgs-Higgsino-Singlino 8
Doublet-Singlet Mixing in CP even Higgs sector Mixing terms in Scalar Sector Mass^2 matirx for doublet and singlet Higgses Mass eigenstates: three mixing angles θ 2 : mixing between h and s 9
Relations Constraint on mixing upperbound on higgsino mass parameter (see below.) 10
Coupling of SM-like Higgs boson with from top-stop sector Chargino loop Mixings with singlet and with heavier doublet Change of SM-like Higgs coupling 11
LHC Constraints on Higgs mixing Signal Strength (relative to SM expectation) With Singlet Experimental Constraints 2014 Summer Mainly ggFMainly VBF 12
Experimental Constraints Mixings compatible with LHC data within 1sigma(2 sigma) ATLAS CMS tan = θ 2 : mixing between h and s C b ̴ 1 C b ̴ -1 13
LEP Constraint on Singlet-like Higgs s e + e - Z s Z bb LEP constaint is not severe if singlet is heavier than 90 GeV. 14
Contours of Higgsino mass parameter tan =5 tan = 10 Approximate Higgsino mass parameter: obtained from the previous relations yellow: no solution to 125 GeV Higgs White: λ >1 (Landau pole) Cyan: μ <100 GeV (excluded) 15
Summary so far: Doublet-Singlet Mixing in NMSSM 1) realizes m_h=125 GeV by the mixing 2) satisfies LEP constraint on singlet s 3) is compatible with LHC Higgs data 4) favors Relatively Light Higgsino 16
Comment on heavy stop case in MSSM Case of Non Universal Higgs Model (NUHM) A slice of allowed parameter regions (at GUT scale) In the bulk, all superparticles are heavy >> LHC reach But near boundary, some of superparticles become light, accessible at LHC Price: severe fine tuning of parameters 17
Case of NUHM Interesting cases light stop (only one of two stops) light first two generation squarks light Higgsinos light pseudoscalar A light sleptons with muon g-2 within 1 sigma MY & Yin, in preparation 18
Conclusions 125GeV Higgs appears a challenge to low energy SUSY. MSSM: Heavy Stop (>>LHC bound) – Possible to have some light superparticles even in this case (explicit demonstration in NUHM) Alternatives to MSSM – New vector-like generation – Gauge symmetry – Singlet richer Higgs sector & neutralino sector Rich phenomenology expected at LHC RUN2 in either case Stay tuned! 19
Thank you very much! 20