INTRODUCING SD3: A SHORT MEASURE OF THE DARK TRIAD Delroy L. Paulhus & Daniel N. Jones University of British Columbia STUDY 2 DISCUSSION The 40-item SD3 has an acceptable factor structure with solid internal consistencies for each subscale. SD3 scales are highly correlated with the original D3 measures and evenly predict the facets of the those original measures. The locations of the SD3 in the Interpersonal Circumplex match those of the original scales Among the SD3, overclaiming correlates highest with narcissism, psychopathy to a lesser extent, and Mach not at all, thereby replicating previous findings using original measures (e.g., Paulhus & Williams, 2002). Using a behavioral indicator, Machiavellianism was positively associated with delay of gratification whereas psychopathy was negatively. In sum, the SD3 inventory provides a short but reliable instrument that demonstrates predictive, criterion, and concurrent validity. REFERENCES : Christie, R., & Geis, F. L. (1970). Studies in Machiavellianism. New York: Academic Press. Markey, P.M., & Markey, C.N. (2009). A brief assessment of the interpersonal circumplex: The IPIP-IPC. Assessment, 16, Paulhus, D.L. et al. (2003). Measuring self- enhancement independent of accuracy. JPSP. Paulhus, D.L., Neumann, C., & Hare, R.D. (in press). Manual for the Self-report Psychopathy scale. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems. Raskin, R., & Hall, C. S. (1979). A Narcissistic Personality Inventory. Psychological Reports, 45, 590. INTRODUCTION The Dark Triad consists of three overlapping but distinct personality constructs. Standard measures (SRP: 64 items; Mach: 20 items; NPI: 40 items) are 124 items long. The goal was to finding an acceptable, reliable, valid short form that also mirrors each of the original concepts. Sample details A total of 739 subjects were collected from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk – a new and reliable source of adult data (e.g., Buhrmester, Kwang, & Gosling, in press) All participants were primarily European Heritage with a mean age of approximately 30 years. Measures used: Short Dark Triad (Jones & Paulhus, in prep) SRP (Paulhus, Neumann, & Hare, in press) NPI (Raskin & Hall, 1979) Mach-IV (Christie & Geis, 1970) IPIP-IPC (Markey & Markey, 2009) Overclaiming Questionnaire (Paulhus et al., 2003) STUDY 1 – FACTOR STRUCTURE Short Dark Triad (SD3) Factor structure SRMR =.08 TLI =.88 Mach. Short Dark Triad (SD3) intercorrelations M – SD3 P – SD3 N – SD3 Mach (M – SD3) (.72) Psychopathy (P – SD3).48** (.81) Narcissism (N – SD3).17**.33** (.75) Cross correlations with original measures MACHIV NPI SRP MACH – SD3.77**.32**.52** NAR – SD **.30** PSY – SD3.45**.47**.81** correlations with SRP facet scores SRP facet Psychopathy – SD3 Interpersonalβ =.25** Callous affectβ =.26** Erratic Lifestyleβ =.34** Antisocial beh..β =.20** NPI facet Narcissism – SD3 Entitlement/Exploitative β =.44** Leadership/Confidence β =.38** Mach facetMachiavellianism - SD3 Manip. Tactics β =.30** Cynical Worldview β =.52** Amorality β =.10 (p =.077) Narcissism Psychopathy M1.19**.59**.41** 1.00**.35** 1.00**.48**.74**.70** STUDY 3: BEHAVIORAL VALIDATION STUDY 3 a: OVERCLAIMING DV P N M Overclaimingr=.21*r =.26** r =.07 STUDY 3b: Delay of gratification Participants on MTURK are given the option for a bonus. Participants were asked 2 questions: (A)Would you like to keep your bonus or donate it to American Red Cross? 77% = keep it 23% = donate Only retained those who made the selfish decision to KEEP the money (B)Would you like a $1 payment administered NOW, or $3 in three weeks? MenWomen MachB = 1.29*B= (ns) Narci.B = -.25B=-.22 (ns) Psychop.B = *B =.91 (ns)