Search for Invisible Higgs Decays at the ILC Akimasa Ishikawa (Tohoku University)
Invisible Higgs Decays In the SM, an invisible Higgs decay is H ZZ* 4 process and its BF is small ~0.1% If we found sizable invisible Higgs decays, it is clear new physics signal. – Higgs portal? – Dark radiation? Fermionic Asymmetric DM S Precision Cosmology meets particle physics. (Dark Radiation) F. and Beyond Testing Higgs portal dark matter via Z fusion at a linear collider Shinya Kanemura, Shigeki Matsumoto, Takehiro Nabeshima and Hiroyuki Taniguchi Observing the Coupling between Dark Matter and Higgs Boson at the ILC Shigeki Matsumoto, Keisuke Fujii, Takahiro Honda, Shinya Kanemura, Takehiro Nabeshima, Nobuchika Okada, Yosuke Takubo and Hitoshi Yamamoto
Invisible Higgs Decays at the LHC Invisible Higgs Decays are searched with a qq ZH process using missing E t against leptonic Z decays. – They cannot reconstruct missing Higgs mass since they don’t know momenta of initial quark pairs. This method is model dependent since the cross section of ZH in pp collision is assumed as that in the SM. – Current upper limit for the BF is (expected 84%). – It is really hard to achieve the upper limit of 10%.
Invisible Higgs Decays at the ILC We can search for the invisible Higgs using a recoil mass technique with model independent way! – e+e- ZH – We can also measure the cross section of e+e- ZH from a recoil mass. At the ILC, initial e+ e- momenta are known, and the four momentum of Z is measured from di-jet or di-lepton decays, we can reconstruct Higgs mass which is a powerful tool! known measured
Signal and Backgrounds Signal – Pseudo signal : e + e - ZH, Z qq, H ZZ* 4 Backgrounds – found qqll, qql and qq final states are the dominant backgrounds. other backgrounds also studied Pure leptonic and hadronic final states are easily eliminated. – (1) ZZ semileptonic : one Z qq, the other Z ll, , – (2) WW semileptonic : one W qq, the other W l – (3) Z e e, Z qq – (4) We e, W qq – H, generic H decays – qqH, generic H decays e e-e- Z Z q q e- e- e Z W W l q q e- e- e+ e+ Z W W q q e- e- e W W γ e- e- q q (1) (2) (3) (4)
MC setup and Samples Generator : Wizard – for both signal and backgrounds – E CM = 250GeV – Higgs mass 125GeV – Polarizations of P(e+,e-)=(+30%,-80%), (-30%, +80%) Throughout the slides, denoted as “Left” and “Right” polarizations Samples – Official DBD samples Full simulation with the ILD detector Interferences are considered, ex WW e e qq and e e W e e qq – Half of the samples are used for cut determination. The other used for efficiency calculation and backgrounds esitimation. [fb]ZZ slWW sl Z sle W sl H qqHqqH H 4 “Left” “Right”
Overview of the Selections 1.Forced two-jet reconstruction with Durham jet algorithm 2.Isolated lepton veto 3.Numbers of Particle Flow Objects (PFO) and charged tracks – N PFO > 16 & N trk > 6 – Eliminate low multiplicity events like 4.Z mass reconstructed from di-jet : M Z – 80GeV < M Z < 100GeV – Also used for Likelihood ratio cut 5.Polar angle of Z direction : cos( Z ) – Just apply < 0.99 to eliminate peaky eeZ background before making likelihood ratio 6.Loose Recoil mass selection : M recoil – 100GeV < M recoil < 160GeV 7.Likelihood ratio of M Z, cos( Z ), cos( hel ) to give the best upper limits : LR – cos( hel ) : Helicity angle of Z – LR > 0.3 for “Left” and LR > 0.4 for “Right” 8.Recoil mass – The final plot (Signal Box : 120GeV < M recoil < 140) – Perform toy MC by fitting to the recoil mass to set upper limit.
Z mass To suppress backgrounds not having Z in final states, Z mass reconstructed from di-jet are required – 80 GeV < mZ < 100GeV – RMS for Z mass for signal is 10.6GeV and fitted sigma with Gaussian is 6.0GeV backgrounds signal “Left”
Background Suppression Likelihood Ratio (LR) method is used to combine three variables – Z mass (see previous page) – Polar angle of Z direction : cos Z < 0.99 – Helicity angle of Z : cos hel cos Z cos hel LR “Left”
Cut Summary “Left” Number of events scaled to 250fb -1 and (Efficiency) “Left”ZZWW slnnZenWnnHqqHqqH H 4n Pseudo signal No cut (1.000) No lepton (0.995) Trk and PFO (0.988) MZMZ (0.795) cos Z (0.788) Loose M Recoil (0.787) LR (0.786) Signal Box (0.597)
Cut Summary “Right” Number of events scaled to 250fb -1 and (Efficiency) “Right”ZZWW slnnZenWnnHqqHqqH H 4n Pseudo signal No cut (1.000) No lepton (0.995) Trk and PFO (0.987) MZMZ (0.796) cos Z (0.788) Loose M Recoil (0.786) LR (0.645) Signal Box (0.532)
Final Recoil Mass Dominant backgrounds are ZZ, WW, Z “Left” “Right” “Left”
Signal Overlaid If BF(H invisible) = 3% – Signal is clearly seen for “Right” polarization “Left” “Right”
Toy MC Toy MC are performed to set upper limits on the BF – In the fitting to M recoil, Only yields for signal and backgrounds are floated. The backgrounds include a peaking ZH, H 4 component – pseudo experiments for each polarization The results with 250fb -1 – “Left” polarization : BF (H invisible) < 95% CL – “Right” polarization : BF (H invisible) < 95% CL The invisible does not include a H ZZ* 4 final state. – If 1150fb -1 data is accumulated, 0.44% and 0.32% for “Left” and “Right” From a crude toy MC scan, 5 observation down to 2.8% and 2.0% for “Left” and “Right”, respectively. – Need much more toy MC experiments. N sig Upper limit
Constraint? Fermionic Asymmetric DM S Precision Cosmology meets particle physics. (Dark Radiation) F. and Beyond
Summary Full simulation studies of search for invisible Higgs decays at the ILD with ILC using Recoil mass technique are performed – e+e- ZH, Z qq processes – E CM =250 GeV, ∫Ldt = 250fb -1 and Pol(e-,e+) = (-0.8, +0.3) and (+0.8, -0.3) The 95% CL upper limits on BF and lowest BFs for observation – 0.95% (0.44%)and 2.8% for “Left” polarization (for HL-ILC) – 0.65% (0.32%)and 2.0% for “Right” polarization (for HL-ILC)
Plan Inclusion of Beam Crossing of 14mrad – not considered in this analysis. Estimation of the lowest BF for 5 observation by many toy MC experiments Combination with leptonic Z decays – The Recoil mass resolution for Gaussian peak for dimuon is 0.5 MeV! – But the BF is ~3.4%. Combination with the results at E CM = 500GeV – Smaller but higher luminosity. Off shell Higgs? ee eeH at 1TeV? Recoil mass with Z by S.Watanuki