MEG 実験におけるミュー粒子放射崩壊の 測定と利用 日本物理学会第67回年次大会 ICEPP, the University of Tokyo 内山 雄祐
2 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Introduction Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo μ e μ e +
3 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo x z y x θ φ MEG limit MEG sensitivity(expected) B < 2.4× at rest MEG experiment (PRL 107,171801(2011)) RMD 3×10 7 + /s giving stringent constraint on new physics EeEe EE tete cos e
4 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 SM process RMD is explicitly & accurately calculated in electroweak theory. Differential BR of RMD in V-A structure can be written Polarization of decaying muon in MEG target is preserved Measured 0.89±0.04 with Michel spectrum. Theory Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo Polarization of muon Y.Kuno and Y.Okada, Rev. Mod. Phys. 73, 151 (2001) P=0.9 e+e+ ee ee x=2E e /M y=2E /M d=1- cos e E e >45 MeV E >40 MeV
5 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 MEG setup limits the phase space able to be measured. MEG acceptance & efficiency Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo MC (smeared) ○ Lower-thre trigger ● Normal-thre trigger Michel(theo)⊗response Response ●Data Best-fit
6 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Direction-match in trigger also deforms RMD spectrum Angle efficiency depends on E e Calculate efficiency table based on MC, and check with measured distribution of accidental background. Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo
7 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Counting RMD events Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo Accidental BG RMD peak
8 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/ BG are subtracted Projected Distributions Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo P=0.89 P=0 Normalized to Michel positrons Gray bands show systematic (diagonal elements)
9 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 measure BR of RMD for possible largest window: E e >45, E >40 MeV Fit to time distribution 45 < E e < 53 MeV 40 < E < 53 MeV | e | < 0.3 rad | e | < 0.3 rad N obs = 12920±299 event Normalization to Michel in pre-scaled unbiased trigger BR measurement Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo uncertainties
10 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Ratio to theory (SM) Comparisons Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo PDG Preliminary PDG BR exp /BR theo = 0.98 ± 0.09 likelihood fit in →e search (spectrum assumed) No definition of ‘total’ BR (infrared divergent) BR in limited phase space
11 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Compare spectrum shape with theory Extract {polarization, normalization} from RMD Fit distribution in multi dimensions binned fit (E e, E , e ) = 2x2x6, total 24 bins bins in e for polarization measurement To incorporate correlations of systematic uncertainties among bins, covariance (error) matrix should be used Chi-square definition Spectrum analysis Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo EE EeEe ( : normalization scale parameter)
12 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 no constraint on pol nor norm Fit result Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo EE EeEe Chi2 / NDF = 11.9 / 22 = Pol 0.70 ± 0.16 Norm 0.95 ± (a) (b) (c) (d) □predicted □best fit measured value with Michel Pol 0.89 ± 0.04 Norm 1 ± ,1.64,2
13 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Discussions Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo
14 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 In general, RMD rate can be written as ( Fronsdal&Ueberall, Phys.Rev.113-2(1959)654), RMD rate and parameters Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo V-A ¾ ¾
15 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Current status Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo previous μ→eγ SIN (PSI) No measurement of parameter
16 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Analyzed RMD from polarized muon decay in MEG data Measure BR for MEG acceptance range BR (Ee>45,E >40MeV) = (6.03±0.14±0.53)×10 -8 BR exp /BR theo = 0.98 ± 0.09 Good agreement with SM Spectrum analysis (fit) Good agreement with SM ( 2/NDF = 11.9/22) Extract polarization and normalization RMD only : Polarization : 0.70 ± 0.16 Normalziation factor: 0.95 ± (relative to one from Michel) Consistent result with prediction less powerfull for polarization measurement Normalization uncertainty goes down to 4% Possibility of measuring Michel parameters. Next step. Conclusion Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo
17 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 surface muons are fully polarized depolarization effects beam angular acceptance : 2.5% multiple scattering in production target : <0.5% contribution from ‘cloud muon’: 4.5% E-field in beamline (separator): 0.7% In plastic target (moderation, muonium formation): 3% Polarization Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo MEG magnet center 1.3 T Polyethtlene A.Buhler et al. Nouvo Cimento 39, 824 (1965) A.Buhler et al. Nouvo Cimento 39, 812 (1965)
18 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Polarization measurement Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo ● Data ● MC P = 0 P = 1 Measure polarization from angular distribution of Michel positrons Two-dimensional fit to E e vs e distribution gives P = 0.90±0.04
19 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 papers “Radiative corrections to background of m→eg decay”, A.B.Arbuzov et al., Phys. Lett. B 432, (1998) “One-loop corrections to radiative muon decay”, A.B.Arbuzov et al., Phys. Lett. B 597, (2004) Now under evaluation for MEG case Radiative correction to RMD Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo real (soft or hard) photon emission +
20 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Define chisquare Chisquare Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo ( : normalization scale parameter)
21 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 correlation matrix Error matrix Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo
22 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 For the energy range, e < rad is allowed. Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo Not allowed by momentum conservation 83%
23 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Constrain pol & norm Fit result 2 Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo Pol Norm Chi2 / NDF = 13.6 / 22 = □predicted □best fit
24 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 From previous studies Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo W.Eichenberger et al. Nucl. Phys A412 (1984) 523
25 JPS 67 th Annual, 24/Mar/2012 Michel parameters in PDG Yusuke UCHIYAMA, the University of Tokyo Normal Michel parameters are measured very precisely by dedicated experiments. No chance to improve with MEG data