Group Member Roles Group Leader: Emily Hamby Communications Leader: Devin Dunkley Members: Taskashi Terauchi, Ellis Bouldin, Lexie Greene Recruit Donors: Ellis Bouldin and Devin Dunkley Location Details: Emily Hamby and Lexie Greene Drive Work: Takashi Terauchi, Lexie Greene, Emily Hamby
American Red Cross Heart of Tennessee Chapter Located in Murfreesboro, TN on 501 Memorial Blvd Serves Bedford, Cannon, Clay, Coffee, DeKalb, Franklin, Jackson, Lincoln, Marshall, Moore, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, Rutherford, Van Buren, Warren, and White Counties “Provides vital emergency assistance to help victims of local disasters” in the above counties Opportunities to volunteer: ◦Give blood (and save three lives!!) ◦Put on a drive ◦Help at a drive You can also gain certification for CPR, First Aid, and much more ! Our contact was Patti Wright
Preparation We had the following responsibilities: ◦Secure a location ◦Secure a date ◦Recruit donors on social media and in person (Twitter and Facebook) ◦Work the drive ◦Provide information on the drive and give out the sign up link ◦Follow up with the Red Cross The group members met several times to work out details. We communicated every week to update the group members.
Our Blood Drive Walter Hill Church of Christ on April 3, 2015 Twenty-eight people showed up and eighteen ended up giving blood. We had the following responsibilities: ◦Secure a location ◦Secure a date ◦Recruit donors on social media and in person (Twitter and Facebook) ◦Work the drive ◦Provide information on the drive and give out the sign up link ◦Follow up with the Red Cross Devin Dunkley, Emily Hamby, Lexie Greene, and Takashi Terauchi were at the actual drive.
What We Learned Importance of blood drives in our community Because of weather, 150 drives were cancelled in Middle Tennessee We were not aware of how big of a need there is for blood in our community. Lack of drives = lack of blood for local hospitals and medical treatment facilities Needs for Blood ◦Accidents ◦Diseases (sickle cell anemia) ◦Variety of other scenarios It takes a multitude of meetings and communication to put on an event.
Likes, Dislikes, Interesting Moments o Our group loved being able to help put on a drive that our community so desperately needs. o We enjoyed being almost completely in charge of planning the drive. o Of course we wish we could have recruited more donors but were still happy with the turn out. o It was interesting how scared people could be about giving, but they still chose to give. o It was great knowing we contributed to saving lives!