Chapter outline Definition, types and essentials of social control Definition, types and essentials of deviance Definition, types and essentials of crime Difference between crime and deviance Causes of crime and deviance Theoretical grounds of crime and deviance
Definition, types and essentials of social control
Social Control Techniques and strategies are employed for preventing deviant human behavior in any society is called social control Takes place at three levels: 1.Self-control, we police ourselves. 2.Informal controls, our friends reward conformity and punish nonconformity. 3.Formal controls, the state or authorities discourage nonconformity. Conformity and Obedience –Conformity: going along with peers who have no special right to direct behavior –Obedience: compliance with higher authorities in an hierarchical structure
Positive sanctions Positive sanction: An action that rewards a particular kind of behavior Examples include: a teacher giving good grades, cheers from teammates Formal sanctions Formal sanction: A reward or punishment given by a formal organization or regulatory agency Examples include: schools giving high or low grades, a business giving a raise or firing a worker Negative sanctions Negative sanction: A punishment or the threat of punishment used to enforce conformity. Examples include: a parking ticket, ridicule Informal sanctions Informal sanction: A spontaneous expression of approval or disapproval given by an individual or group Examples include: standing ovations, gossip Sanctions: Penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm
Definition, types and essentials of social deviance
It can range from criminal behavior (generally accepted) to wearing heavy makeup (deviant only to certain segment). Deviance may be positive or negative.Deviance- the violation of social norms. It can range from criminal behavior (generally accepted) to wearing heavy makeup (deviant only to certain segment). Deviance may be positive or negative. Stigma- the disapproval attached to disobeying the expected norms Crime- the forms of deviance in which formal penalties are imposed by the society We are all deviant at some time or another and in some places