Local Workforce Investment Area 3 Plan Presentation March 2012 Vaughn Smith, Director
LWIA 3 – Knox County
Population , , %
Managing Funds I’d rather be managing WIA funds.
Expenditures ADULT INITIAL CONTRACT EXPENDED 12/31/2011 BALANCE 1/1/2012 OBLIGATIONS 6/30/2012 PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30 PY2010 $ 139, $ - PY2010 $ 663, $ - PY2011 $ 66, $ 65, $ PY2011 $ 792, $ 108, $ 684, TOTALS $ 1,661, $ 976, $ 685, $ 479, $ 205, DISLOCATED WORKER INITIAL CONTRACT EXPENDED 12/31/2011 BALANCE 1/1/2012 OBLIGATIONS 6/30/2012 PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30 PY2010 $ 348, $ 300, $ 48, PY2010 $ 925, $ 862, $ 63, PY2011 $ 197, $ 154, $ 43, PY2011 $ 821, $ 90, $ 731, TOTALS $ 2,293, $ 1,407, $ 886, $ 496, $ 389, Expenditure Rate 76% Expenditure Rate 62%
Youth INITIAL CONTRACT EXPENDED 12/31/2011 BALANCE 1/1/2012 OBLIGATIONS 6/30/2012 PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30 PY2010 $ 719, $ 700, $ 18, PY2011 $ 784, $ 116, $ 667, TOTALS $ 1,503, $ 817, $ 686, $ 473, $ 213, Expenditures, continued Expenditure Rate 73%
Training Services in LWIA 3 Most Utilized Training Providers – by ITA 1.Tennessee Technology Center 2.Blount Memorial Hospital 3.Smokey Mountain Trucking Institute 4.Pellissippi State Community College 5.Tennessee Wesleyan Most Utilized Training Providers – by number of Participants 1.Tennessee Technology Center 2.Blount Memorial Hospital 3.Pellissippi State Community College 4.American Red Cross 5.Smokey Mountain Trucking Institute
Training by Industry Sectors Most Funded Employment Sectors ◦Health Care & Social Assistance ◦Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services ◦Transportation & Warehousing ◦Construction Sectors with Most Available Jobs ◦Health Care & Social Assistance ◦Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services ◦Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation ◦Transportation & Warehousing
Enhancing Career Center Partnerships, Improving Customer Service Increased targets for low-income people (especially given lower unemployment rates) New Partnerships ◦Enhanced ECD Relationships ◦UT Marriage Enrichment Project ◦Family Self-Sufficiency Center ◦KARM Launch Point Program ◦Center for Literacy Studies & Workforce Development
Increased Funding? FUNDING STREAM ALLOCATION ALLOCATION CHANGEINCREASE / DECREASE ADULT $ 802, $ 859, $ 56, % DISLOCATED WORKER $ 1,274, $ 1,018, $(255,649.00) - 20% YOUTH $ 719, $ 784, $ 64, %
Priorities for Increased Funding Maintenance of CRCs Increase number of participants Individualized Incumbent Worker Training
Disability Employment Initiative Continue & expand partnerships with Disabilities Community (KAEC, etc.) Ongoing training to increase career center staff knowledge & service delivery Identify & modify procedures that may inhibit services to individuals with disabilities Become Employment Network Target un-served ticket holders Utilize Customized Employment and Integrated Resource Team / Braided Funding approaches