Reset: What Happens When We Mess Up Reconcile: Make Things Right with Other People Luke 19:1–10.


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Presentation transcript:

Reset: What Happens When We Mess Up Reconcile: Make Things Right with Other People Luke 19:1–10

Memory Verse “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.” Luke 3:8

Learning Goals Explore: Students will understand that rectifying past sin against others is fruit of a redeemed life in Christ. Transform: Students will commit to seeking reconciliation in personal relationships.

Discussion How is our relationship with Christ demonstrated in the way that we interact with others? Why is it so difficult to seek reconciliation with others? What kind of attitude change is necessary for us when we need to reconcile with others? What is the most difficult part of having a conversation with someone whom you have wronged? How can we respond in a godly way to someone who has wronged us and is seeking restoration with us?

Key Study 1. Before encountering Christ, we are identified by our sin. Luke 19:1–7

Key Study 2. An encounter with Christ leads to us to make amends with those we have wronged. Luke 19:8

Key Study 3. A transforming encounter with Christ gives us a new identity. Luke 19:9–10