Drill #25 Simplify each expression.
Drill #26 Find the GCF of the following monomials: Factor each polynomial using the GCF:
Drill #27 Factor each polynomial using the GCF: Factor by Grouping Factor the following trinomials:
Drill #28 Factor each polynomial using the GCF: Factor the following trinomials:
Drill #52 Factor each polynomial :
Drill #53 Factor each polynomial :
Drill #54 Factor each polynomial :
GCF: Monomials To find the GCF of two monomials: Find the GCF of the coefficients For each common, the GCF is the common variable with the lower degree Combine the GCF of the coefficients and the variables together to make one term
GCF Examples: 8-1 Study Guide (even problems) Classwork: 8 – 16 (EVEN)
Factor Polynomials: GCF To factor polynomials: Find the GCF of all terms in the polynmial Use the distributive property to undistribute GCF Factor the remaining expression (if possible)
Factor Polynomials: Factor by Grouping To factor a polynomial by grouping (4 or 6 terms) GCF Factor the first two (three) terms GCF factor the last two (three) terms If there is a common factor between them, factor it (undistribute) Ex: 6ax + 3ay + 2bx + by
Factoring Polynomials* Always GCF factor 1 st !!!!!!! 1.GCF Factoring 2.Two Terms: - Difference of Squares - Difference of Cubes - Sum of Cubes 3.Three Terms: Trinomial Factoring 4.Four or More Terms Factor by Grouping
Multiply binomials: What is ( x + 2) (x + 5)?
Trinomial Factoring: Three Terms* Factoring: Where m + n = b and m(n) = c To factor trinomials make a factor sum table!
Trinomial Factoring Examples* Example 1a, b: 8-3 Study Guide Classwork: 2-8 (even)
Factoring Trinomials with 2 2 nd Degree Terms Example: #20
Trinomial Factoring: Three Terms*: Factor by Grouping Method Factoring: 1. GCF factor (if possible) 2. Find factors m,n of a*c (that add up to b) 3. Change bx to mx + nx 4. Factor by grouping Ex: To factor trinomials make a factor sum table!
Trinomial Factoring: Three Terms*: Illegal Method Factoring: 1. GCF factor (if possible) 2. Multiply ac and rewrite as 3. Factor to (x + m)(x + n) 4. Divide m and n by a and reduce fractions 5. The denom. of any fractions that don’t reduce become coefficients To factor trinomials make a factor sum table!
Trinomial Factoring Examples* Example 1, 2: 8-4 Study Guide Classwork: 8-4 Study Guide #2 – 8 (even)
FOIL the following binomials What is (x – 4 )(x + 4)
Two Terms: Factoring Difference of Squares* To factor difference of squares: Examples:
Two Terms: Factoring Sum of Cubes* To factor sum of cubes: Example:
Two Terms: Factoring Difference of Cubes* To factor difference of cubes: Examples:
Classwork: 6-5 Study Guide #1 – 9 All