10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar3 What does Post-processed Heave do for my Survey ?? New Heave processing algorithms have significantly improved the way heave estimates are calculated. This, in turn, greatly reduces heave artifacts in the most challenging survey conditions, especially in long period swells and quick turn- induced (horizontal acceleration) heaves.
10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar4 Set Up within POSView Software
10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar5 Data Group Required for True Heave
10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar6 Log Data in the Project directory that the data is to be applied to Name File by TrueHeave and Date Name File by TrueHeave and Date IMPORTANT NOTE: True Heave raw data MUST have its data collection started at a minimum of at least 3 minutes PRIOR to the collection of the Hydrographic data. It MUST also be collected for a minimum of 3 minutes after the end of Hydrographic data collection.
10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar7 Using TrueHeave / iHeave files within MBMax Editor
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10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar9 Location of TrueHeave file in Project directory Invert Heave Invert Heave (Always Select this Option, as the POS/MV Inverts the Heave during collection) Number of records adjusted, will appear Number of records adjusted, will appear x
What difference will POS Pac files have on my data The POSPac MMS software tools identify and compensate for sensory and environmental errors, and compute an optimally accurate blended navigation solution. POSPac’s SmartBase processing combines the most reliable coordinates obtained from the quality check run with the inertial data in a single Kalman Filter; hence the performance of results is more qualified. Therefore, a post-processed Position is computed and can now be introduced during the post- processing of your Multibeam and Singlebeam data, and produce a highly accurate final data set. 10/22/201510HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar
10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar11 Set Up within POSView Software
10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar12 IMPORTANT NOTE: POSPac raw data MUST have its data collection started at a minimum of at least 3 minutes PRIOR to the collection of the Hydrographic data. It MUST also be collected for a minimum of 3 minutes after the end of Hydrographic data collection. Log Data in the Project directory that the data is to be applied to Name File by POSPac and Date Name File by POSPac and Date
10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar13 This Window has been expanded to show all the Data Strings that are necessary for the POSPac program to post-process the position data.
Once the POSPac file has been collected, it must now be processed within the POSPac Program. This will require being connected to the Internet, where the POSPac Program can access information from all the CORS Stations that surrounded your survey area. Once the POSPac file has been collected, it must now be processed within the POSPac Program. This will require being connected to the Internet, where the POSPac Program can access information from all the CORS Stations that surrounded your survey area. Applanix has a Step-by-Step guide for processing your data. Please contact Applanix for additional information. Applanix has a Step-by-Step guide for processing your data. Please contact Applanix for additional information. This Course is to demonstrate how these adjustments are used. This Course is to demonstrate how these adjustments are used. 10/22/201514HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar
10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar15 Using POSPac files within the MBMax Editor
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10/22/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar18 Location of POSPac file in Project directory Recalculate RTK Recalculate RTK Tide values Tide values Once you hit the Adjust button, the POSPac file adjustments will be applied to the raw data file, and the window will close after adjustments have been made. You can now continue to Phase 2 of the MBMax Editor
10/22/201519HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar POS Pac ADJUSTMENTS HYPACK ® MULTIBEAM COURSE
How Much can a POSPac Adjustment effect your data? 10/22/201520HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar
3.69 meters N 44 o E N 44 o E 10/22/201521HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar
10/22/201522HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar
Improved Resolution on Objects 10/22/201523HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar