Blended Learning in Higher Education Workshop 3
Overview of the workshop Reflection on the home work Assessment How to blend my course? What after the workshops? Survey Blended Learning in Higher Education
Reflection on the tasks Make groups of three people who each worked with a different tool. Blended Learning in Higher Education
Reflection on the tasks 1. Write down. What was your experience working with the tool? What was easy? What was difficult? Would you use it? 2. Share with your group members. What were their experiences? The same? Different? 3. Exchange with the whole group. Are there common reflections? Look to some examples of the home works. Blended Learning in Higher Education
What is evaluation/assessment? How can you organize assessment? Which tools can you use for assessment? What is the difference between formative and summative evaluation? How can you evaluate deep learning? How can you evaluate competences? Blended Learning in Higher Education
Assessment Formative assessment Constructivism Importance of feedback Assessment: By the teacher Self-assessment Peer-assessment Blended Learning in Higher Education
Tools for assessment Quiz tool Assignment tool Add an explanation for an offline task Write an online task Upload a file with a task Use of rubrics Gradebook Blended Learning in Higher Education
Quiz Blended Learning in Higher Education
Assignment tool Add an explanation for an offline task Write an online text Upload a file with a task Blended Learning in Higher Education
Offline task Blended Learning in Higher Education
Write an online text Blended Learning in Higher Education
Upload a file with a task Blended Learning in Higher Education
Rubrics Blended Learning in Higher Education
Rubrics Blended Learning in Higher Education
Rubrics Blended Learning in Higher Education
Gradebook Blended Learning in Higher Education
How to blend a course? No standard approach Start small and keep it simple Investigate: what does not work well and can I improve with technology? Integrate the online and face-to-face parts to one course Exchange with colleagues Blended Learning in Higher Education
Step-by-step 1. Collect background knowledge about the students: learning needs, learning styles, problems. 2. Make a list of the goals and contents. 3. Divide the content into parts. 4. Link learning activities to the different components. 5. Think about the evaluation. 6. Make a roadmap. 7. Test and ask feedback. 8. Inform the stakeholders. 9. Implement the course. Blended Learning in Higher Education
Hands on! Blend your own course… Blended Learning in Higher Education
Roadmap for a blended course Objectives Topics Learning activities Learning materials Assessment Support Blended Learning in Higher Education
What after the workshops? Contact us through the contact form on the website or via Check the website for more information about blended learning and the tools. Spread the student website to your students when you implement a new tool. Go blended! Blended Learning in Higher Education
Survey What do you think about blended learning? What is your opinion about the workshops? How can they be improved? Blended Learning in Higher Education
Workshop 3