Descriptive Cataloging Using RDA Comprehensive Exercises Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division Library of Congress Module 9
Acknowledgements This course is the result of collaboration between Tim Carlton, Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division, Library of Congress Ingrid Hsieh-Yee, Ph. D., Dept. of Library & Information Science, Catholic University of America It has been adapted from training developed by Barbara Tillett and Judith Kuhagen, Library of Congress Policy and Standards Division, and other Library of Congress staff COIN gratefully acknowledges PSD’s permission to adapt the material for the present purpose 2
About This Material This training material has been created for a primary audience of Library of Congress staff. Other audiences are welcome to adapt and utilize it as they see fit. However, it should be understood that it reflects LC policies, and should not be interpreted to either prohibit or require specific practices for other libraries or organizations. 3
Learning Objectives This module reviews the major learning objectives of this curriculum At the instructor’s discretion: Spend a few minutes working through the exercises on your own, before discussing them as a class, or work through them together as a class or take a blended approach 4
Areas Covered by the Exercises Identifying manifestations (LC Core) Similar to Exercise #1 Identifying the works and related works in compilations No previous exercise; this topic covered in Module 6 Recording all attributes and relationships Similar to Exercise #1, but not limited to LC Core elements Identifying attributes of persons and corporate bodies No previous exercise; this topic covered in Module 8 5
Some Last Words of Wisdom Ultimately, the best way to learn RDA is to actually catalog real resources, applying what has been covered in these modules Dive in! – it’s not going to get easier by waiting It is important that you supplement this classroom training by working closely with a cataloger with more experience using FRBR and RDA RELAX! 6