Dan O. Popa, Linear Systems EE 3317, Spring 2009 Week 2, Lectures 2-3: Review These lectures cover math concepts related to: -White Box Systems Examples: RLC circuit, MSD mechanical system -1 st order ODE equations – solving -Review of Taylor series, derivation, integration -Complex numbers and examples, rings and fields -Rational polynomials fractions and partial fraction expansions -Vectors and matrices, vector spaces, linear mappings -Systems of linear equations
Dan O. Popa, Linear Systems EE 3317, Spring 2009 Week 2, Lectures 2-3: Review MATLAB functions: -Simple commands: whos (who), clear, clf, clc, load, save, print, plot (xlabel, ylabel, xlim, ylim, semilogx, semilogy, plot3, contour, legend, ) -Complex numbers: real, imag, conj, abs, angle, log, log10, cart2pol, pol2cart -PFE: residue -Vector operations, element by element operations, matrices, matrix operations (inv, det).
Dan O. Popa, Linear Systems EE 3317, Spring 2009 Week 2, Lectures 2-3: Reading and Practice Reading for week 2: -Chapter B, Lathi textbook, including: -MATLAB session B -B.7 tables -B.1-2 – complex numbers -B-5 – PFE -B-6, B-4 – Vectors and Matrices -B-2, B-3 – sinusoids and sketching signals -Example exercises: -B.1, B.2: polar to cartesian, cartesian to polar conversion -B.3, B.4: multiplication/division and addition/subtraction of complex numbers -B.5 – Functions of complex variable -B.8, B.9, B.10 – Partial fraction expansions -B.12, B.13 – Matrix operations