STAAR Short Answer Questions (SAQs)
The Open-Ended Response . . . Is scored on content Unless the frequency and/or severity of writing convention errors causes clarity problems. Write clearly and neatly. Your final answer must be written in the box provided.
STAAR Literary & Expository SAQs You will have one SAQ over a single selection and may cover either the literary or expository genre.
Not Considered Passing SAQ Overall Description No idea present; Idea not based on text; Idea does not answer the question asked; Idea is too general, vague, or unclear; Idea “echoes” text evidence; Response contains only text evidence. 1 Idea needs more explanation or specificity; Represents literal reading of the text; No text evidence or flawed text evidence; Evidence generally references the text; Evidence too partial to support idea; Weak link to idea; Wrongly manipulates meaning of text; Evidence does not provide adequate support for idea. 2 Idea is reasonable and goes beyond literal reading of text; Makes appropriate connections and valid conclusions; Text evidence is accurate and relevant; Idea and evidence clearly linked; Demonstrates good understanding of text. 3 Idea is perceptive and reflects awareness of the complexities of the text; Coherent explanation; Text evidence is well chosen for BOTH selections; Evidence strongly supports validity of the idea; Demonstrates a deep understanding of the text. Not Considered Passing Considered Passing
A.C.E. A- DO NOT Answer the questions directly using the same wording from the question C- Cite the evidence from the selection . This needs to be a blended quotation E- Explain and expand your evidence to support your answer. This is your own commentary In order to get a higher score, you need to add “moral of the story” or “life lesson” to your explanation. Your SAQ may have more than 3 sentences. This format provides you with the minimum required to craft a sufficient response.
How does the narrator’s attitude toward his grandfather change over the course of the summer? A: The narrator’s attitude changes toward his grandfather over the course of the summer from being ungrateful to appreciative of his family. C: He says, “I hate having to take care of Grandpa” at the beginning. When summer is over he writes in his journal, “Grandpa used to be a basketball star! That’s so cool that he can teach me!” E: This demonstrates the narrator’s attitude change as learns new aspects of his grandfather’s life. By the end of the summer, the narrator realizes that his grandfather is not just a burden; he actually has the ability to affect the narrator’s life in a positive way.
For the Last Part You can start your sentence like, This….. Proves Shows Demonstrates Emphasizes Signifies Represents
For each SAQ, you will have a box like the one above that allows you 10 lines for your answer. Please note that the 10th line is the dark bottom edge of the box, and you cannot write below this point. Also, you may not “double line” in order to squeeze more writing in the box.
SAQ Tips Don’t break up your response. Must be written in paragraph form Must use a direct quote from the text and must have your quotations to indicate it is your evidence Prewrite your answer before transferring it to the answer document
Persuasive Essay Practice Brainstorm examples. Need to have at least 3 examples each Girls should act like girls. -It's okay to be different. --The old adage, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you," is true. --A hero is born, not made. -No one is above the law. -Education is the great equalizer.
Persuasive Example Girls should act like girls. Men will treat women with respect Having femininity makes you have proper etiquette Distinct behavior from men
Persuasive Essay Tips State your position clearly (THESIS STATEMENT) -Use appropriate organization -Provide specific support for your argument -Choose your words carefully -Edit your writing for grammar, mechanics and sentences
Example Prompt: In this excerpt of The Old Man and the Sea, how does personification help to explain Santiago’s relationship to the sea? Support your answer with evidence from the selection. Example Response: He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her. “He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her.” This is trying to explain how other people see her. Score Point 0: Insufficient The student repeats verbatim the text.
Example Prompt: In this excerpt of The Old Man and the Sea, how does personification help to explain Santiago’s relationship to the sea? Support your answer with evidence from the selection. Example Response: Santiago calls the sea “la mar” which means love because he see’s the sea as a woman. He always refers to her as “feminine” and of something that withheld “great favors.” So thinking of the sea as a woman is personification. Score Point 1: Partially Sufficient The idea is reasonable, but only a general text reference is used to support the idea.
Example Prompt: In this excerpt of The Old Man and the Sea, how does personification help to explain Santiago’s relationship to the sea? Support your answer with evidence from the selection. Example Response: Personification explains the relationship between the old man and the sea because he thought of the sea as a real woman and doing things a real woman would do. The old man thought of the sea “as feminine and as something that gave or withheld great favors.” Thinking of it as a person makes him seem closer to the sea. Score Point 2: Sufficient The idea is reasonable and goes beyond literal (“makes him seem closer”). The evidence is relevant.
Example Prompt: In this excerpt of The Old Man and the Sea, how does personification help to explain Santiago’s relationship to the sea? Support your answer with evidence from the selection. Example Response: Hemingway uses personification to explain that Santiago thinks “of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her.” He is referring to the sea as a woman and he takes her side by not blaming her for the “wild or wicked things.” So he is defending the sea as if she had life, just like a man would do for a woman. Score Point 3: Exemplary The idea (“he is defending the sea as if she had life”) is perceptive and reflects awareness of the complexities of the text. The evidence (a combination of paraphrase and direct quote) is specific and well chosen.
STAAR Crossover SAQs You will have one SAQ over two thematically linked selections, and you will need to address BOTH adequately in your response.
Not Considered Passing Crossover SAQ Overall Description Incorrect or vague; For one or both selections does not answer question asked; idea is not based on one or both selections; No idea present; Sometimes contains only text evidence; “Echoes” the text evidence. 1 Has a reasonable idea but needs more explanation or specificity; Literal reading of text; Idea contains an inaccuracy; Weak connection between idea and support; No text evidence or flawed evidence; Text evidence is only a general reference to the text or is too partial to support the idea; Wrongly manipulates the meaning of the text. 2 Idea is reasonable and beyond literal reading of text for both selections; Specific enough to allow appropriate connections and valid conclusions; Text evidence is accurate and relevant; Demonstrates a good understanding of the text. 3 Idea is perceptive and reflects awareness of the complexities of the text; Coherent explanation; Text evidence is well chosen for BOTH selections; Evidence strongly supports validity of the idea; Demonstrates a deep understanding of the text. Not Considered Passing Considered Passing
To Answer Crossover SAQs: C E2 R Sentence 1 - State your Claim. Sentence 2 - Embed your Evidence Transition Word! Sentence 3 – Embed your Evidence. Sentence 4 - Provide your Reasoning. *****Your SAQ may have more than 4 sentences. This format provides you with the minimum required to craft a sufficient response.
Prompt: What is one similarity between the narrator of “A Handful” and Curtis in “Writin’ on the Line”? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from both selections. C Present your CLAIM in your own words. Remember, do not echo the prompt! E Provide 1 piece of the best EVIDENCE present within the article. Remember to embed! Transition Word R Connect your embedded evidence to your Claim by presenting clear REASONING.
For each SAQ, you will have a box like the one above that allows you 10 lines for your answer. Please note that the 10th line is the bottom edge of the box, and you cannot write below this point. Also, you may not “double line” and attempt to squeeze more writing in the box.
Example Prompt: What is one similarity between the narrator of “A Handful” and Curtis in “Writin’ on the Line”? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from both selections. Example Response: The narrator in “A Handful” talks in first person and the narrator in “Writin’ on the Line” third person. In “A Handful” the narrator constantly uses possessives like my and I and also has things like “I remember it” and “In a way I do”. However, in “Writin’ on the Line” the narrator talks using he’s and avoids possessives and talks like “his first bank” and “he’s now in demand for personal appearances”. Score Point 0: Insufficient The response does not answer the prompt, quotations provided are not relevant to the prompt, no reasonable idea or relevant textual evidence is provided.
Example Prompt: What is one similarity between the narrator of “A Handful” and Curtis in “Writin’ on the Line”? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from both selections. Example Response: Both the narrator of “A Handful” and Curtis had assistance from a close friend or relative. Kevin saved the narrator of “A Handful”’s life, as well as help him get over his fear of bridges. Kaysandra helped Curtis become an author as well. Score Point 1: Partially Sufficient This response offers a reasonable idea (assistance from a close friend or relative). The idea is not supported by relevant direct quotations from either story.
Example Prompt: What is one similarity between the narrator of “A Handful” and Curtis in “Writin’ on the Line”? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from both selections. Example Response: Both selections deal with a problem where a loved one helps another loved one out. In “A Handful” Kevin helps the narrator overcome his fear of bridges. “The only person who could calm me down was the person who saved me”. In “Writin’ on the Line” Kaysandra helps Curtis achieve his dreams of becoming a writer. “Fortunately, Kaysandra believed in those handwritten words”. With her support, Curtis was successful. Score Point 2: Sufficient The response offers a reasonable idea for each selection (Kevin helping narrator to overcome the fear of bridges; Kaysandra helping Curtis achieve his dreams of becoming a writer). Direct quotations support the ideas from both selections.
Example Prompt: What is one similarity between the narrator of “A Handful” and Curtis in “Writin’ on the Line”? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from both selections. Example Response: One similarity between the narrator and Curtis is that they were both helped by their loved one in an hour of need to finally attain success whether it be in the form of career or triumph over emotional turmoil. Curtis “would be the first [to admit] that without [Kaysandra’s support] his dream [would never have been realized]”. Despite the years that have gone by, even when the narrator’s parents thought the story was getting old, “Kevin just ignored them. [Instead], his face wouldn’t change, and…his voice only got softer” indicating that Kevin was there for the narrator regardless of what other people thought. Score Point 3: Exemplary The response offers the reasonable idea that both were helped by their loved one in an hour of need to finally attain success whether it be in the form of career or triumph over emotional turmoil. Quotations demonstrate a strong connection between textual evidence and the idea. Incorporated relevant commentary into their response.