ifex - Initiative for start-ups and business transfer
ifex Initiative for start-ups and business transfer (part of the ‘start-up promotion unit’ of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Württemberg bga National Agency for Female Start-Ups & Entrepreneurs in Germany State & National government start up initiatives Fostering Female entrepreneurship
School and Entrepreneurship Start on Campus High growth start-ups Business Transfer Female start-ups and women entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship international Regional networks and projects Ethnic minority entrepreneurship Small Business Branch specific activity ifex - Initiative for start-ups and business transfer founded in 1994 as managing agency of the state government's start up initiative
About 5,3 Million working population in Baden-Württemberg Quote of Self-Employment in Baden-Württemberg about 10 % 2,9 Million employed men, including self-employed men (13%) 2,4 Million employed Women, including self-employed Women (7%) Official Statistics Baden-Württemberg Source: Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg: aus dem Mikrozensus 2008
Facts on Women Entrepreneurship Women are half as likely to be involved in start-up activity as men, but the female start-up rate in Germany is increasing steadily (41.6% in 2008). The most entrepreneurial age group for females is 35 – 54. Female often start one-person-enterprises. Women start with smaller capital, which comes from family & friends rather than financing institutes. Female business starters act often more regional/local than international.
Approach / Motivation Career pathway / biography of work Starting procedures Business objectives and targets Framework of action Women Way of starting a business is different !
Cofinanced by: European Social Fund (ESF) National Agency for Female Start-ups & Entrepreneurs = bundesweite gründerinnenagentur (bga) funded by:
bundesweite gründerinnenagentur (bga) National Agency for Women Start-ups and Entrepreneurs: First and only nation-wide body providing information on all available activities in Germany about women starting up a business and female entrepreneurs since Awarded from the EU as Best Practice in Offers information and services on the "entrepreneurial self- employment of women" for all areas and phases of company foundation, consolidation and succession for the political, business, academic and public sectors in Germany.
Promotion of female entrepreneurship exchange of information experts‘ database education consulting data and facts networking information advice to the government research services internet portal awareness rising
Measures & Activities to promote female entrepreneurship Start-up support, e-trainings, professional literature, campaigns, publications, exhibitions Seminars, Workshops, Coaching & Mentoring schemes for female start-ups & entrepreneurs as well as multipliers Regional advisory agencies for women entrepreneurs Networks and events for female business-starters &established women entrepreneurs as well as for intermediary organisations Internet portal for women entrepreneurs Roadshow with portraits of successful women entrepreneurs (regional exhibitions)
Measures & Activities
Cooperation & Networking with all relevant multipliers on all levels like Chamber of Commerces & Crafts Consulting Agencies & Business Associations Ministries, Communities, etc. and specially focused on female business starters & entrepreneurs Experts (Baden-Württemberg: 161; Germany: 940) Advisory agencies (Baden-Württemberg: 69; Germany: 450) Networks & female business centers (Baden-Württemberg: 59; Germany: 320)
Contact Iris Kronenbitter Ministry of Economic Affairs, Unit 33 Start-ups and business transfer / ifex Theodor-Heuss-Straße 4, D Stuttgart Tel. +49-(0) , Fax +49-(0) Iris Kronenbitter National Agency for Female Start-ups & Entrepreneurs – bundesweite gründerinnenagentur (bga) Haus der Wirtschaft Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19, D – Stuttgart