Jeff Colclough Chairman Digital 20/20 ICT Business Group
Purpose Welcome and setting the scene The context to Digital 20/20 The importance of ICT as a business driver Key points from the 2008 ICT Benchmarking Study
Personal Profile 20+ years experience in business development and business support in this region Mix of public and private sector experience Consultancy and interim management since 2001 Regional champion for UK Online for Business
Digital 20/20 Public/private sector initiative designed to combine skills and business ICT adoption agenda Minimise market place and customer confusion Maximise shared messages and investment linkages Builds on existing initiatives – Digital 2010, ICT Business Group and Regional ICT Framework Both demand and supply side drivers
Digital 20/20 – Business Strand Mission To drive up levels of ICT adoption and implementation in YH businesses Vision Better performing regional economy through direct linkages to increased business productivity, investment and competitiveness Means Action Plan in response to key messages from ICT Regional Benchmarking Study
ICT Regional Benchmarking Studies Three years of robust survey data (2006 – 2008) commissioned by Yorkshire Forward Over 2,500 interviews with person most responsible for ICT within the business Wealth of data and analysis on adoption, processes, attitudes and skills and support Separate report on non-users in 2008 Full report and glossy summary brochure
ICT Regional Benchmarking Studies Important catalyst: Confirmed ICT as a route to improved business performance through a number of drivers, eg: Improved quality, competitiveness and customer satisfaction Market segmentation onto the rungs of an adoption ladder Demonstrated linkages between ICT adoption and improved performance
Key Adoption Indicators %2008%2007%2006 Computer use82 70 Internet access Website ownership Trade online Use IT to manage customers Internal IT resource Remote access to systems Have used support Provide IT training for staff E-business advantage outweighs cost E-business is important656759
Key QuestionsBasic Connectors Intermediate Connectors Advanced Connectors Strategic Adopters E-business is important 53%90%93%94% Use computers 52%100% Use broadband 53%89%79%82% Use e-business for finance and accounts 26%85%86%89% Use e-business for managing customers 26%85%86%89% Use e-business for online processing 11%16%93%91% Use e-business to manage capacity 7%9%58%70% Use e-business for joint product development 3%7%15%100% Trade online with customers 11%22%35%50% Increased turnover 20%34%46%55% Total % businesses %23%32%21%
Digital 20/20 Partnership approach: Uses the Benchmarking Study as the starting point and to measure progress ICT policy framework and action plan ICT Business Group advisory forum for Yorkshire Forward Primarily about demand stimulation – linkages to digital and media sector Unique regional approach
Personal Postscript (1) Succession of “ICT is good for you” marketing initiatives No regional data on ICT adoption or business need Sub-regional variances in delivery and level of private sector linkages ICT funded and delivered alongside core offer Dislocation between ICT skills and business support
Personal Postscript (2) Clear linkages between ICT adoption and business benefit Three years survey and benchmarking data Regional Business Link, EBU and ICTBG partnership experience ICT positioned within more generic Business Link approach Digital 20/20 partnership approach