Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (17 February 2009). Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic October 2009 Contracts Update Tidewater Association of Service Contractors (TASC) William Paggi/Donna Murphy 2.0 Contracts Department CAPT Bruce Urbon, USN, Commanding Officer Mr. Ken Slaughter, Technical Director (Acting) 1 Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009).
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 2 TOPICS ▼ Charleston Industry Council Initiatives ▼ Procurement Status ▼ Navy ERP Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009).
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 3 Charleston Industry Council ▼ Formed in 2005 to increase the degree of integration and quality of the business partnership between SSC-CH and its industry partners ▼ Provides a forum for the exchange of ideas to enhance processes Smarter, better, more efficiently ▼ Develops a culture of continuous improvement to produce better products/services ▼ To co-evolve technologies to maintain competitive advantages for SSC-LANT and Industry
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 4 Charleston Industry Council (Cont’d) ▼ Government Members Members of the SSC-LANT Contract Strategy Council Deputy for Small Business ▼ Industry Members 3 members of AFCEA 3 members of CDCA −Nominated by AFCEA and CDCA Presidents −Represent Large, Mid-Sized and Small Business ▼ Ad Hoc Members Temporary appointments to assist with specific projects
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 5 Charleston Industry Council (Cont’d) Government Members ▼ William Paggi, Chair ▼ Donna Murphy ▼ Jim Crawley ▼ Kristy Penninger ▼ Bob Meddick ▼ Frank McAlhany/Carissa Miller (Alt) ▼ Kay Swann ▼ Donna Bedford ▼ Bill Schneider ▼ Crystal Potts, Recorder
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 6 Charleston Industry Council (Cont’d) Industry Members ▼ AFCEA Mark Gadomski −Large Business Linda Cutlip −Mid-Sized Business Rebecca Ufkes −Small Business ▼ CDCA Jack Hogan −Large Business Steve Golle −Mid-Sized Business Beth Waugh −Small Business
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 7 Charleston Industry Council (Cont’d) Previous Initiatives/Accomplishments ▼ CMMI Standardization across Contracts Develop criteria for “compliance” versus “certification” Standard language in RFPs: Compliance with SSC LANT’s Engineering Process Office (EPO) program. Contractors to use processes and procedures already established for the project/program, and deliver products that are compliant with those processes/procedures ▼ Performance Based Acquisition/Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans BSA/QASP – Templates developed; Automation Tool Enhancements in Progress ▼ Standard Labor Categories In place
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 8 Charleston Industry Council (Cont’d) ▼ Software Process Improvement Initiative (SPII) Standard language in RFPs: Task order level Software Development Plan (CDRL); SDP modeled after IEEE/EIA Std −General Software & Improvement Processes −SDP Specific to Sample Task ▼ Navy ERP Transition Industry Actions Impact to Procurement Operations
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 9 Charleston Industry Council (Cont’d) Current Initiatives E-Commerce Posting of Draft Documents –Continuing need to post draft documents (PWS, Sections L&M, etc.) as soon as they become available Market Research Strategy/Instruction –Proceeding as local policy module Accounting for Contractor Personnel –How many are supporting our mission? –Where are they? –Need method of streamlining data collection
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 10 Charleston Industry Council (Cont’d) SB Set-Asides under MACs −Will be trying various approaches, including limiting competition to SB primes and/or teams structured with high percentage of SB participants −Recognize need to post draft technical requirements Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) Reports –Discussions related to generating CPARS at the task/delivery order level (similar to SeaPort-e) –Concerns regarding threshold levels, adequate mix of orders, representation across majority of individual contracts, affect on monthly reports, & COR training on process
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 11 Charleston Industry Council (Cont’d) Communication/Partnership ▼ Means of Disseminating Council Information AFCEA/CDCA Meetings SSC-CH Quarterly Small Business Symposiums CorpWeb, Public Websites, etc. ▼ Get Involved! The Industry Council represents government and contractor interests −Contact an Industry Council member to offer suggestions, feedback, topics of interest, etc.
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 12 Contract Status CONTRACT AWARDS (GT $8M) Mid-JUL 09 – SEP 09 Contract #Award Date Est ValueContractor NameBus SizeGeneral Description N D-3582 (RFP N R- 0215) 1 SEP 09$99.9MSCI Technology IncL Tactical Intercommunications Equipment N D-6818 & N D-6819 (RFP N R- 0001) 11 SEP 09$19M (Multiple Award) ▼ UEC Electronics LLC ▼ Grove Resource Solutions Inc S Information Warfare Technical Development, Demonstration & Application Support Services N D-5190 (RFP N R- 0069) 18 SEP 09$59MDRS Systems IncL Interior Communications / Integrated Voice Communications Systems
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 13 Contract Status (Cont’d) Contract #Award Date Est ValueContractor NameBus SizeGeneral Description N D SEP 09$26MGATR Technologies IncS Transportable SATCOM Terminals *SBIR Phase III N D-3813 (RFP N R- 0151) 29 SEP 09$49.9MBarling Bay LLC8(a) ANC Operational Command & Control Knowledge Management and Net-Ready Solutions Support Services CONTRACT AWARDS (GT $8M) Mid-JUL 09 – SEP 09
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 14 RFPs In Process (Issued or Under Eval): DIVSolicitation #Est Value Acquisition StrategyStatusEst Awd DateGeneral Description 2253N R-0021$95MFull & OpenUnder EvaluationDec-09 Enterprise IT Support Services 2253N R-0044$50MFull & OpenUnder EvaluationDec-09 C4ISR Engineering & Software Integration Support Services 2254N R-0014$250M Full & Open, "C" Type ContractUnder EvaluationFeb-10 C4ISR Engineering Support - SSC Norfolk 2254N R-0037$130MFull & Open (MAC)Under EvaluationNov-09 In-Service Engineering Support for Various Navigation Systems 2254N R-0024$249MFull & OpenUnder EvaluationNov-09 System of Systems Integration Support 2255N R-0832$75MSB Set-AsideUnder EvaluationDec-09 Technical, SOVT, Logistics & Documentation Support for Telecommunications
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 15 RFPs In Process (Issued or Under Eval) (Cont’d): DIVSolicitation #Est Value Acquisition StrategyStatusEst Awd DateGeneral Description 2255N R-0016$182MFull & Open (MAC)Under EvaluationJan-10 Communications - ISEA Requirements 22000/ 2255N R-0065$250MSB Set-Aside (MAC)Under EvaluationJan-10 COTS Radio/Telephone Equipment 2258N R-0027$100MFull & Open (MAC)Under EvaluationDec-09 Automated Fuel Handling Equipment (AFHE) Support Services 2258 N R-0038 (was 07-R-0165)$100MFull & OpenUnder EvaluationDec-09OCONUS C4I Systems Support 2258N R-0074$49MFull & OpenUnder EvaluationNov-09 Marine Corps Mass Notification System 2258N R-0221$41MFull & OpenRFP IssuedApr-10 Enhanced Tactical Automated Security System Support 2258N R-0077$40M SB Set-Aside (MAC) (Planned)Under evaluationDec-09ESS Lifecycle Support Services
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 16 RFPs Pending DIVSolicitation #Est Value Acquisition StrategyStatusEst Awd DateGeneral Description 2253N R-0153$698M Full & Open (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Tactical C2 Engineering & Prototyping 2253N R-0172$97MFull & Open (Planned)RFP PendingTBDCPC2 Support Services 2253N R-0015$150MSB Set-Aside (Planned)RFP PendingTBD CANES Core Services & Application and Integration 2253N R-0002$92MFull & Open (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Integrated C2 Support for COCOM 2254 N R-0035 (was 08-R-0183)$94MFull & Open (Planned)RFP PendingTBD C2 Design Engineering Support Services 2254 N R-0036 (was 08-R-0183)$30MSB Set-Aside (Planned)RFP PendingTBD C2 Maintenance Support Services 2254N R-0054$10M HUBZone Set-Aside (Planned)RFP PendingTBD SPAWAR LANT Security Monitor Services 2254N R-0159$225MFull & Open (Planned)RFP PendingTBD National Capital Region Security Engineering Support Services
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 17 RFPs Pending (Cont’d) DIVSolicitation #Est Value Acquisition StrategyStatusEst Awd DateGeneral Description 2254N R-0196$95MTBDRFP PendingTBD Europe Security Engineering Support Services 2255N R-0012$230M Full & Open (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Joint Basing & Technology Transition Support Services 2255N R-0013$92MFull & Open (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Fayetteville Technical Support Services 2255N R-0014$97MFull & Open (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Tampa Area Technical Support Services 2255TBD$98MFull & Open (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Software Integration Support & Sustainment Services 2258N R-0011$249M Full & Open (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Information Assurance Support Services 2258N R-0095$97MFull & Open (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Cyrptologic Sustainment and Operations Support 2258N R-0157$210M Full & Open (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBD ESS Lifecycle Support Services 2258N R-0167$49M Service Disabled – Veteran-Owned SB Set AsideRFP PendingTBD Program Management, Engineering & Logisitics (PM-ILS)
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 18 RFPs Pending (Cont’d) DIVSolicitation #Est Value Acquisition StrategyStatusEst Awd DateGeneral Description 2258N R-0022$248M Full & Open (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Infrastructure Protection Solutions 2258N R-0023$249M SB Set-Aside (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Global Contingency Operations 2258N R-0067$95M SB Set-Aside (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Situational Awareness & Operational Environment Systems Support 2258N R-0068$93MFull & Open (Planned)RFP PendingTBDSecurity Systems Solutions 2258N R-0080$50MCompetitive 8(a)RFP PendingTBD Joint Intelligence Engineering & Maintenance Support
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 19 RFPs Pending (Cont’d) DIVSolicitation #Est Value Acquisition StrategyStatusEst Awd DateGeneral Description 22000/ 2253N R-0077$500M Full & Open (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBDC2 Supply MAC 22000/ 2254N R-0019$500M Full & Open (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBD Audio Visual Systems/Equipment 22000/ 2255N R-0098$500M Full & Open (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBD COTS Communications Equipment 22000/ 2258N R-0070$500M Full & Open (MAC) (Planned)RFP PendingTBDISR Supply MAC
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 20 SEAPORT STATISTICS # AwardsEst $ Value New Task Order Awards21$288M FY 09 (Est)
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 21 PROCUREMENT STATISTICS - SSC LANT # ActionsTotal $ Obligated 22,487$3.463B FY 08 # ActionsTotal $ Obligated 21,941$2.873B FY 09 (Est)
Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited 20 October Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited (20 October 2009). 22 Navy ERP - SSC LANT ▼ Currently in Phase II – Manual Mission Critical Requirements Minimal Transactions ▼ Phase III – Catch-Up & Ramp-Up Manual load of Phase II data Initial Entry to Navy ERP Based Upon Assigned Roles ▼ Estimated Go-Live Date: Mid-December 2009