The custom of Klithonas.
The custom of klithonas has its roots in ancient Greece. The word meant words or phrases said in random without having any coherence, usually during future rituals.In the era of Homer it meant proficy.The first written description of the custom comes from the Byzantine era. Nowadays it’s a celebration that gives people the opportunity to say things that they wouldn’t under normal circumstances. It takes place on 24 th June, which is when the sun takes its summer position.
On St. John’s Eve ( 23 rd June) young men collect wood and light fires at a crossroad. The girls bring the wreath that traditionally every family hangs outside the main door of their houses on May Day, and put it on the fire. People have to jump over the fire three times because this will bring them good luck.
After the fire jumping, only the single girls gather at a house and ask a girl who should be named Maria and both her parents should both be alive, to go to a well or a spring and bring the. It is called silent because the girl shouldn’t say a word during her mission. When she comes back she pours the water into a ceramic bowl. Each girl puts a personal and usually valuable item in the bowl.
Then the bowl is covered by a red clothe and is put outside. It stays there for the whole night. The girls go back home and they are supposed to dream of their future husband.
The following day and before the sun rises, the girl called Maria, should bring the bowl inside. In the evening all the girls gather at Maria’s house. Now everyone can be present; parents, relatives and neighbours. Maria opens the bowl. Usually Maria or a young child picks one of the objects out of the bowl. Before picking it up a two;line poem is said, which is made up at that moment or it is something that is usually said at that situation.It usually has a funny or teasing meaning.
The crowd predicts each girl’s future based on the poem. Finally each girl puts some water from the bowl in her mouth but she doesn’t swallow it. She keeps it in her mouth and goes near an open window or outside. The first male name she hears, it is supposed to be the name of her future husband.
At the end of the procedure, they all sing and dance at the village square
On Lazarus Saturday children go in the streets holding a figure of Lazarus and singing the Lazarus Carols. People give them sweets, money or eggs which they are going to die red for Easter.
Lazarus Carols Tell us Lazarus, Lazarus came, What did you see, Palm tree branches came, At the deads’ world, Sunday, we eat fish came That you have gone. And next Sunday we eat < I saw pain and fear, The red egg. I saw terrible things, We wish we come again Give me some water, Next year In order to forget.> And wish the housekeeper Will live 1000 years.
Preparing the Lazarus figures
Students making their dolls
The dolls are ready.
Going around singing Lazarus Carols