Islands High School Counseling Office
Ms. Fowler-Relihan (A –L) Ms. Weisel (M – Z) Counselors serve students in three areas: Personal/Social, Academic, College/Career
Students need 24 units to graduate Credits need to be earned in certain subject areas Students will need to complete a Graduation Pathway Students are required to complete 20 hours of community service
Required Areas of Study Units Required English/Language Arts4 Mathematics4 Science4 Social Studies4 Health and Physical Education1 World Language 2 College Prep Pathway OR 1 CTAE Pathway CTAE (Career Technical Agricultural Education) 4 CTAE Pathway only Electives 5 College Prep Pathway Students OR 3 CTAE Pathway Students Total Minimum Units24
CORE EnglishScience Social Studies World Languages Math 5 Core Academic Courses 5
6 – 9th Literature & Composition – 10 th Literature & Composition – 11 th American Literature & Composition – 12 th grade British Literature & Composition 6
Mathematics CCGPS 9 th - Coordinate Algebra 10 th - Analytic Geometry 11 th - Advanced Algebra 12 th - Pre-Calculus or Approved 4 th Option OR 9 th - Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A 10 th - Accelerated Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra 11 th - Accelerated Pre-Calculus 12 th - AP Calculus, AP Statistics, Advanced level Mathematics course or Approved 4 th Option 7 7
8 SCIENCE ◦ Biology ◦ Physical Science ◦ Chemistry or another approved Science ◦ Physics or another approved Science 8
9 Social Studies ◦ World History ◦ American Government ◦ United States History ◦ Economics 9
◦ College sequence 2 units required 3 recommended ◦ CTAE sequence 1 unit required 2 units recommended
1. Advanced Academic Pathway 2. Fine Arts Pathway 3. World Language Pathway 4. CTAE Pathway
Students must complete 4 credits in any core area with one unit being Advanced Placement Students must earn two sequential courses in one World Language
Students must complete 4 sequential credits in one Fine Arts Subject. ◦ Band ◦ Chorus ◦ Visual Arts ◦ Journalism
Students must earn 3 sequential credits in the same World Language ◦ Spanish ◦ French
Students must earn 4 credits in a specific CTAE Pathway *Administrative/Informational Support *Veterinary Science Other approved CTAE Pathways may be available through Woodville-Thompkins
GA 411 Homepage
High School Planning
18 End of Course Test (EOCT) English 9 – Literature/Composition English 11 –American Literature CCGPS Coordinate Algebra CCGPS Analytic Geometry Biology Physical Science United States History Economics 18
Students are required to do a minimum of 20 hours of Community Service at a non profit organization of their choosing Community Service logs are available in the Counseling Office Must be submitted to Advisors and include a 3 paragraph essay outlining their experience
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