Sheila Lau Director of Articulation & Orientation November 17, 2011 Articulation Basics
Canada College Articulation/Transfer Quick Facts Canada College Articulation/Transfer Quick Facts Did you know that Canada College has… 377 UC transferable courses? 827 CSU transferable courses? 175 IGETC applicable courses 286 CSU GE applicable courses
Transfer Statistics 2 of 3 students earning a degree from CSU began at a CCC. In Fall 2011, over 80% of Community College Transfers were admitted to a UC campus! Transfers are performing well at UC. First-year persistence rate is over 93%. Over 80% graduate after 3 years at UC; 86% graduate after 4 years. (average time to degree post transfer: 2.4 years) These rates are similar to, or greater than, those achieved by native UC freshman.
Bachelors Degree ( sem units) CCC Yr.1 CCC Yr. 2 University Yr. 3 University Yr. 4 Developmental Courses ---Writing, Math, Reading Gen Ed/Admission Reqs ---(IGETC/CSU GE) Lower Division Major Prep Electives (if possible) Upper Division GE Upper Division Major Reqs Grad Reqs (that weren’t fulfilled at CCC) CCC/University Transfer Snapshot
Workshop Topics Articulation Basics Definition and Goals of Articulation Role of the Articulation Officer Types of Articulation Agreements Process Overview Criteria for Transferable Courses Articulation Timelines Tips for Successful Articulation Helpful Resources How to use ASSIST
Course Articulation is: The process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies a course from a “sending” campus that is comparable to, or acceptable in lieu of, a specific course at a “receiving” campus. “Sending” Canada ENGL 100 “Receiving” SJSU ENGL 1A ENGL 100 = ENGL 1A ENGL 100 Forwards for review
GOALS OF ARTICULATION Assists students in meeting both admission and general education requirements Reduces or eliminates lower division major preparation to be taken at four-year colleges Helps students progress to the next level of education Helps create a smooth and seamless transfer for students planning to complete their education at a 4-year college
Articulation Is the “ silent engine” that drives student transfer!
Articulation Officer Serve as a facilitator in all aspects of the articulation process. Manage, update and disseminate current, accurate articulation data (ASSIST, OSCAR, UC, CSU). Initiate process, timely follow-up, working collaboratively with Canada faculty as well as faculty from receiving campuses. Serve as a consultant to the curriculum committee. Be a resource, advocate, and liaison to all faculty, staff, and students as appropriate. Major Roles and Responsibilities:
Types of Articulation Agreements Major-to-Major General Education Course-to-Course Transfer Credit
Transfer Credit Executive Order 167 (1973) is the governing document that authorizes CCC’s to determine which courses will be CSU transferable. Approved courses are included on the CSU Baccalaureate List (Bacc List) and considered elective credit unless otherwise specified. The Bacc List is used by all 23 CSU’s to view which CCC courses are transferable. The Bacc List is updated by the Articulation Assistant after courses have been approved by the Canada Curriculum Committee.
CSU “Bacc List” Submission Process
Transfer Credit Courses are sent annually to the UC Office of the President for review Courses must meet criteria for transfer credit as outlined by the UC Office of the President Approved courses are included on the UC Transfer Course Agreement (UCTCA) and can be found at
UC Transfer Course Agreement Submission Process
Basic Guidelines For UC Transfer The basic principles used in determining the transferability of community college courses are: The course should be comparable to one offered at the lower division level on any of the UC campuses. If the course is not equivalent to any offered at UC, it must be appropriate for a university degree in terms of its purpose, scope, and depth.
Examples of Specific Guidelines for UC Transferable Courses Social Sciences Courses should provide students with an understanding of the development and basic features of societies and cultures. Courses may include an examination of the historic and contemporary ideas that have shaped our world, an examination of the nature and principles of individual and group behaviors, or a study of social science methodologies. Courses that are primarily for personal enrichment are not appropriate for transfer. Statistics/Probability These courses may be found in the social sciences, mathematics, economics and science departments. At minimum, statistics courses must have a prerequisite of intermediate algebra or its equivalent. A second course in statistics may be acceptable if content is sequential and not duplicative.
Course-To-Course Agreements Course-to-course agreements identify courses that have been found to be comparable in pre-requisites, content, objectives, and unit value. These type of agreements are negotiated by Canada and individual campuses (CSU’s, UC’s, and Privates). Course agreements can be used for admission, general education, and major preparation requirements.
Major-to-Major Agreements This type of articulation is created from course articulation (often from many departments) to support majors commonly selected by transfer students Major articulation provides a more direct path to prepare students for major preparation than that of course articulation alone. Major articulation is negotiated between Canada and each 4 year campus individually.
General Education Patterns CSU General Education Breadth (39 units): Accepted by all 23 CSU’s to clear lower division GE Updated annually E.O. 595 lists criteria for CSU GE courses (1993) IGETC (37-39 units): Accepted by CSU’s and UC’s (most) to clear lower division GE Updated annually IGETC courses must be CSU and UC transferable More restrictive than CSU GE (grade of C or higher)
Articulation Deadlines UC Transfer Course Agreement: June 1 Approved courses are effective fall semester of year submitted CSU Transfer Credit (Baccalaureate List): Deadlines Vary depending on curriculum CSU GE Breadth/IGETC: December 15 Approved courses effective fall semester of year submitted
Tips for Articulation Success Plan ahead! Pay attention to deadlines! Consult with the Articulation Officer. Research! Utilize the criteria available for the articulation of courses (e.g. UC and CSU guidelines). Clearly show how the content in the course outline correspond with the stated objectives of the course. Work with CC Technical Review members
Helpful Resources
CSU Baccalaureate List CSU GE Breadth UC Transferable Course Agreements IGETC Major preparation Course Search Function: d=21EBEBE4BFA D19 d=21EBEBE4BFA D19 User name: canadafac Password: lavender How to use
Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions or are interested in knowing more about the articulation process CONTACT INFORMATION Sheila Lau Building Extension 3391