Progress is impossible without change… Emma Sutton EDINA Geoservices Support
Introducing CadCorp software No change? Minimal visible change…
Digimap Re-engineering Phase I of Digimap Re-engineering now complete: New Digimap architecture now established, using Cadcorp Geognosis, with migration from previous 1Spatial/Laserscan Gothic Significant improvements in efficiency, capacity, stability and performance OS Collection has a new mapping client: Roam Carto (advanced mapping service) now using new Geognosis-based architecture Phase II of Digimap Re-engineering concentrates on the Geology, Marine and Historic Digimap Collections…
Feedback on Roam I love it, what an improvement. The response when moving the 'slippy' maps was especially impressive for the Master Map scales. The PDF print quality was excellent, even when enlarged This new Digimap service is excellent, a massive improvement… After one very short experience, this looks as if it could be a very useful facility for students who want to produce maps quickly and without investing too much time in learning, but which is much more flexible than Classic. Brilliant new service! I really like this feature - it is very easy and very useful (especially just before an assignment deadline). Using Roam for the first time, I am genuinely impressed with the improvements in functionality, speed and ease of use. Give your development team a pat on the back from me.
Historic Digimap Re-engineering Historic Download –new data download client – select and download map sheets –all historical map data currently available –historical Town Plans Ancient Roam (working title) –new historical map viewer, based on Roam delivery model –provides all currently available historical maps, plus the Town Plans through a much improved, intuitive interface Existing mapping application will be run in parallel with Ancient Roam until it is taken out of service in September 2010
Historic Download Map based data selection Coverage of each Map Edition shown
Ancient Roam (working title!) Roam style zoom and navigation (slippy maps) Simplified temporal navigation –timeline shows map availability per decade and currently viewed decade Improved metadata for Scottish maps (including Survey dates) Town Plans - large scale view for urban areas
Marine Digimap Re-engineering First academic online Coastal Zone Mapping application –with controllable thematic layers –enabling user-customised maps SeaZone Hydrospatial mapping application (H 2 Roam?) –slippy maps navigation with resizable map window –more zoom levels –more print options: PDF, variable paper size Beta Application intended for Autumn 2010 release
Geology Digimap Re-engineering New mapping application based on Roam (Rock n Roam?) Two stage release: late Spring 2010 includes core functionality: –slippy maps navigation with resizable map window –more zoom levels –more print options: PDF, variable paper size
Geology Part II September 2010 to include: –bookmarking (as for MyMaps in Roam) –map-based links to the JIDI geology image collection –geology map visualisation tools –new classification, labelling and symbols for online maps and printed output Existing map application will run in parallel until it is withdrawn in December 2010
Legend visualisation Images courtesy of City Universitys VizLegends team, Jason Dykes, Jo Wood and Aidan Slingsby
Legends – myth or magic?
Ben visits Nottingham Going Mobile… JISC funded scoping study to investigate alternative access to services User Engagement –Collaboration with UCL, City, Nottingham and Leicester –Proposed engagement with Oxford, Bristol and OU Technical Evaluation Build a working application
OS Mastermap on an iPhone emulator Building a working application Develop demo apps that use OS data on mobile devices How easy it is to put apps/tools into iStore and other locations? Mobile-friendly data packages to download from Digimap?
Emerging markets
Support Infrastructure New challenges as new generations of students come forward with new expectations Web-savvy Can Web 2.0 help? –Wikis, blogs, forums, knowledgebases, social networking sites, instant messaging, Twitter… Digimaps support infrastructure needs to keep up!
Endless possibilities… From Digimap, other services have arisen: –Unlock –Go-Geo! –ShareGeo
A quick look back…