Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Investments in Agricultural Holdings & Improvements in Processing and Marketing Measures in Malta Rural Development Department
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment
Map of Malta
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment General Data Total population – 402,000 Population density – 1,274 /Km 2 Area: 316 Km 2 Contribution of Agriculture to GDP: 2.4% % of Employment in Agriculture: 1.1% Self sufficient in Vegetable, Pig, Poultry & Dairy production
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Map of Development Zones & Natural Habitats
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Rural and Peri-Urban Landscape
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Importance of Agriculture Significant Land User - 37% of territory Practically constitutes our Countryside Many Archaeological/cultural heritage sites Shaped our Rural Landscape Part of our Cultural Identity Important Element of Relaxation Green Lung Source of Fresh Food
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Countryside Views
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment
Typical Holdings
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Summary of Agricultural Data Total Agricultural Area: 11,619 ha Total Irrigated land: 1,509ha No. of Holdings: 11,959 Average size of Holding: ha 74% of Holdings less than 1ha Total No. of Farmers: 15,168 - Only 20% 55 years old - 10% Full-timers
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Comparison of Agricultural Sectors (Final Agricultural output at producer prices - 117M€)
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Terraced Fields Showing Parcel Usage
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment
Agricultural Constraints & Challenges PHYSICALSOCIO-ECONOMIC Semi-arid Climate with irregular rainfall Limited Water Resources Increasing salinity of aquifer water Shallow soils low in organic content Small, terraced parcels – difficult access & mechanization Ageing farmers with limited training Decreasing full-time farmers Increasing land fragmentation High opportunity cost of land Insularity & high transport costs Over reliance on imports of agricultural inputs Higher production costs due to economies of scale Removal of all protective levies & increased competition from imports Increased obligations & standards requiring investments
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Rural Development Measures (39.6M€) Rural Development Plan for Malta (33.6M€: 80%EU / 20%GoM) 1) Producer Groups 2) Meeting Standards for Breeders 3) AdHoc for Full-Time Farmers 4) Agro-Environment Measure: - Soil Retaining Walls; - Organic Farming; - Conservation of Maltese Oak & Maltese Ox Species. 5) Less Favoured Areas 6) Complement to State Aid for Agriculture Single Programming Document (6 M€: 35%EU / 15%GoM / 50%Private ) 1) Investments in Agricultural Holdings - IAH 2) Improvements in Marketing & Processing - IMP
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment 1st and 2nd Pillar Aid (Euros) – 2004
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Number of Beneficiaries
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Average Aid Perceived per Beneficiary in Euros for 2004 campaign
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Objective: Improve the productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of farms and the quality of produce including the promotion of higher standards of animal welfare and hygiene, and environmental performance. Beneficiaries: Farmers & their Associations, Agric. Companies. Available Budget for : 3.7 M€ Investment in Agricultural Holdings Measure
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment IAH First Results (Call for Proposals August – October 2004) 368 Applications received 268 Eligible Applications requesting grants of 4.41M€ 70 Applications chosen after ranking Total Investment: 4.95M€ Total Grant Requested: 2.32M€ - 47% of total investment costs
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Analysis of Successful Applicants for IAH Measure 70% Full time farmers 10% Agriculture companies 3% Females 29% Livestock breeders Ξ 53% of grants requested 21% Under 40 years of age
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Analysis of Proposed Projects
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Improving Marketing & Processing of Agricultural Products Objective: To enhance the situation of the agricultural sector by improving the economic performance of the marketing and processing chain, through gains in both productivity and competitiveness. Beneficiaries: Agro-processors, Producer Groups and Farmers Cooperatives or Associations. Available Budget for : 2.3M€
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment IMP First Results (Call for Proposals August – October 2004) 22 Applications from Agro-processors 17 Eligible Applications requesting grants of 4.41M€ 10 Applications chosen after ranking Total Investment: 1.91M€ Total Grant Requested: 0.92M€ - 48% of total investment costs
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Analysis of Successful Applications for IMP Measure 70% of applications – New Equipment ; 30% -Construction/ refurbishment SECTOR% of Projects% of Grants Vegetables Olive Oil Wine Meat5049.0
Ministry For Rural Affairs and the Environment Some Conclusions Huge Interest in Investment Schemes shown by farmers & processors over other RD schemes, Significant needs of sector to restructure, Limited Innovation in types of projects applied for, Limited cooperation amongst beneficiaries for partnerships & absence of proposals for integrated projects, No Farmers Cooperatives / Associations applied for aid, Need for increased awareness, training and advisory services for farmers, Steep learning curve for administration, administrative burden & costs of RD schemes.