1-3. october 2007 Warsaw Szegedyné Fricz, Ágnes Hungary 1 Status of Codex program
1-3. october 2007 Warsaw Szegedyné Fricz, Ágnes Hungary 2 Structure of national Codex organisation National Codex Committee (mandated by Government Regulation 340/2006) Secretriat Of the National Codex Committee National Contact Point National Codex Committees
1-3. october 2007 Warsaw Szegedyné Fricz, Ágnes Hungary 3 CCMAS Hungary is the host country of the CCMAS since 1972 The Central Food Research Institute is responsible for the organisation of the Committee’s Sessions which are held each year in Budapest with more than 130 delegates representing almost 50 countries and organisations
1-3. october 2007 Warsaw Szegedyné Fricz, Ágnes Hungary 4 National Codex Committee Secretariat hosted and managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Hungary 14 members representing ministries, food industry, research institutes, consumer protection organisations, scientific federations Tasks: ensures represenation of the interests of consumers and market operators by supervising the Hungarian Codex work, by participating at the elaboration of the national stand point to be represented at international Codex level Meets once/twice a year
1-3. october 2007 Warsaw Szegedyné Fricz, Ágnes Hungary 5 Secretariat of the National Codex Committee Hosted and managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Organises EU co-ordination of the Codex work, serves as EU contact point for the different Codex Committees
1-3. october 2007 Warsaw Szegedyné Fricz, Ágnes Hungary 6 Organises the meetings of the National Codex Committee Responsible for the updating of the national Codex website (linked to the website of the Ministry) Organises and ensures attendance at Codex EU co-ordination meetings
1-3. october 2007 Warsaw Szegedyné Fricz, Ágnes Hungary 7 National Contact Point Hosted by the Central Food Research Institute of Hungary Ensures coordination and communication with the FAO/WHO Secretariat of Rome Notifies the Secretariat of Rome and the respective host countries about the Hungarian participants at the Codex Meetings
1-3. october 2007 Warsaw Szegedyné Fricz, Ágnes Hungary 8 Hungarian Codex Committees Most International Codex Committees have a Hungarian counterpart Presidents and secretaries responsible for the organisation of the Committees’ work Presidents/secretaries attending EU coordination Meetings and international Codex Sessions Meeting reports presented at the Ministry’s website
1-3. october 2007 Warsaw Szegedyné Fricz, Ágnes Hungary 9 Attendance of Hungarian delegates at Codex Sessions Hungary traditionally participates at almost every International Codex Sessions and EU coordination Meetings
1-3. october 2007 Warsaw Szegedyné Fricz, Ágnes Hungary 10 Contact Details Secretariat of the National Codex Committee: Tel: , 4177 Fax: National Contact Point Tel: Fax: