LEADER in the Czech Republic Ing. Radim SRŠEŇ, Ph.D. National LAG Network of the Czech Republic Open Days, Brussels
If you want to go fast, go alone, If you want to go far, go together … (African proverb)
First steps of LEADER in the Czech Republic Selected 10 LAGs to be financed from LEADER+ Selected 10 LAGs to be financed from LEADER+
First steps of LEADER in the Czech Republic Supported 15 LAGs - financed from national resources Supported 15 LAGs - financed from national resources
First steps of LEADER in the Czech Republic Supported 20 LAGs - financed from national resources Supported 20 LAGs - financed from national resources
First steps of LEADER in the Czech Republic Supported 23 LAGs - financed from national resources Supported 23 LAGs - financed from national resources
First steps of LEADER in the Czech Republic Supported 23 LAGs - financed from national resources Supported 23 LAGs - financed from national resources
First steps of LEADER in the Czech Republic Last LEADER CR supported 5 LAGs Last LEADER CR supported 5 LAGs
First steps of LEADER in the Czech Republic Selection of LAGs financed from Rural Development Programme (EAFRD) for Supported 48 LAGs in the first round, 32 in the second round and additionally 32 LAGs. As a result there are 112 LAGs supported from European funds. Selection of LAGs financed from Rural Development Programme (EAFRD) for Supported 48 LAGs in the first round, 32 in the second round and additionally 32 LAGs. As a result there are 112 LAGs supported from European funds.
National LAG Network of the Czech Republic today 2005 International Conference for Rural Development – established National Network for Rural Development, founded by 23 LAGs 2007 National LAG Network of the Czech Republic registered as NGO by the Ministry of Interior Members: 136 LAGs Total number of LAGs in the CR : 165
Each chain is as strong as its weakest ring...
National LAG Network of the Czech Republic today - GOALS launch a new programme for not supported LAGs to cover whole rural area of the CR by LEADER (341 RDP) insist on the key priorities of the National Strategic Plan 2014 establish a professional organisation create common coordination platforms with representatives of administration and other interest groups create a mechanism of LAG standardisation coordinate activities of NLAGN with international organisations ELARD, ENRD, PREPARE
341 – skills acquisition and animation supporting new and allready established local partnerships about 50 „LAG-like“ partnerships expected each partnership must be guaranteed/coached by allready supporte LAG 100% support, max EUR for partnership running costs (personal and travel costs expert consultations, studies, trainings expected outputs: preparatory work and documents for LDS at least one event for public internet site training call for proposal for „soft“ activities
National LAG Network – evaluation process Evaluation commitee composed of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Payment Agency and NLAGN Evaluation focused on strategic documents, HR, administration and selection process in frame of Strategic LEADER Plan, integration and development, monitoring and evaluation, PR and value- added activities. group characteristicscomments A best functioning LAGs – examples of good practice highly transparent and trustworthy, active and activating the territory B well functioning LAGs can prove the value-added to the LEADER method C average LAGs Fulfil formal requirements for their existence D LAGs which should reconsider its processes Fulfil just formal requirements
Quantitative Results of the LEADER Method So Far RDP / Axis IV. LEADER IV Realisation of the local development strategy (5-13 round) Granting (thousands of EUR) Number of projects 121 (I.1.) , 227 (II. 2.) , 312, 313 (III. 1.) , 322, 323 (III. 2.) (III. 3.)55556 TOTAL Evropský zemědělský fond pro rozvoj venkova: Evropa investuje do venkovských oblastí
Development of Craft Workshop – Lubomír Jelínek (LAG Horni Pomoravi) unique saddler´s production within the Czech Republic focus of the project: to build-up and equip workshop 1 new job created Synergy effects –2 more jobs created, the only training centre for apprentices in the CR –produces also modern equipment for motorcycling and fashion accessories –the certificate “JESENIKY – regional product” was awarded to Mr. Jelinek’s products in 2011 for their quality and great deal of handwork Total cost: € - Subsidy: € Qualitative Results of the LEADER Method So Far – Examples of Successful Projects
Cinema in the village – Mobile cinema for Šumperk countryside - Film for People (NGO) (LAG Sumpersky venkov) focus of the project: to open a mobile cinema reaction to the process of digitalisation – closing of village cinemas high-quality projection technology, sound system, mobile inflatable screen and plastic chairs enables the municipalities of the LAG to organize a whole range of socio-cultural events, run by NGO – projection at minimum costs average attendance 215 pax, average cinema attendance in the CR 18 Total cost: € - Subsidy: € Qualitative Results of the LEADER Method So Far – Examples of Successful Projects
The Trail from the Other World to Týn (LAG Vltava, LAG Lužnice, LAG Střední Povltaví) LEADER project of cooperation focus of the project: create the longest educational trail in the Czech Republic connects beautiful places of interest and conveys information about their natural value and history, built in km of the trail, 32 marked stations, 26 rest areas equipped with information boards, seating and another wooden equipment (benches, wooden installations), reconstruction of a suspension pedestrian bridge Total cost: € - Subsidy: € Qualitative Results of the LEADER Method So Far – Examples of Successful Projects
Our proposals for period National Strategic Plan LEADER created by NLN Working group Vision and Enlargement (NLN Deputy President Jiri Krist) Community-Led Local Development – LEADER 2014 – 2020 – „cooking-book“ how LEADER method should be used in the next programming period 2014 – created by NLN Working group LEADER (NLN Deputy President Jiri Krist)
Think globally… …act locally
Thank you very much for your attention Ing. Radim SRŠEŇ, Ph.D. NLAGN CR ELARD Representative Ing. František WINTER NLAGN CR Chairman web: