MariFish Coordination of European Marine Fisheries Research Programmes Steering Group and Work Package Management Group Meeting, 17 th and 18 th January 2006 Introduction and Overview of MariFish Work Programme John Lock MariFish Coordinator
What is an ERA? ERA stands for European Research Area. The ERA concept was launched as a major strategic goal for Europe by European heads of state and governments at the Lisbon Council in March Part of an overall agenda to make Europe the “most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based society in the world”, the aim of the ERA is to improve the coordination and coherence of European research. What is an ERA-NET? An EU funded initiative aimed at encouraging the co-operation and co- ordination of national research activities through networking of research programme managers. ERA-NETS involve the funders of research, not research institutes.
Aim of MariFish MariFish will bring together the major European national funders of marine fisheries research to form an effective, working partnership in order to: Exchange details on national research programmes and identify areas of common interest, gaps and duplication. Improve practices in the planning and procurement of research through shared knowledge. Link with and influence existing coordination and collaborative systems Encourage coordination of research activities in key subject areas Identify and facilitate joint funding of a strategic, forward-looking research programme. Annual spend by the 17 partners on fisheries related R&D amounts to approximately €160m.
List of Partners 1.UK – Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Fisheries Directorate 2.Norway – The Research Council of Norway (RCN) 3.Germany – The Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (BMVEL), and the Federal Research Centre for Fisheries 4.Netherlands – Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Policy Department of Fisheries (LNV) 5.Sweden – Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS) 6.Iceland – The Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) 7.France – French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea, IFREMER 8.Denmark – Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agri Business (DFFAB) 9.Portugal – Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries (MADRP) 10.Poland – Sea Fisheries Institute in Gdynia (MIR) 11.Cyprus – The Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus (RPF) 12.Greece – Ministry of Development – General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) 13.Ireland – Marine Institute (MI) 14.Belgium – Ministry of the Flemish Government Centre for Agricultural Research – Sea Fisheries Department (MGV –ALT) 15.Scotland – Scottish Executive, Fisheries Research Services (FRS), UK 16.Spain – Ministry of Education and Science (MEC) 17.Poland - Ministry of Science and Information Society Technologies (MSIST)
Focus To help MariFish achieve its many challenging goals the following statement of overall purpose has been adopted by the partners: “MariFish will focus on that research which provides evidence to managers for the development of strategies for sustainable fisheries, including links with aquaculture, set within the ecosystem based principle.”
Objectives 1: Management Develop a durable network of national research funders in member and associated states of the EU and integrate the new member states and associated partners into established common information, coordination and funding procedures. (WP1) Exchange information on national commissioning mechanisms (procedures for establishing research needs, monitoring and evaluating research output) and develop procedures to establish common calls for funding joint research programmes, based on best practice. (WP2)
Objectives 2: Identification Identify existing linkages and collaboration at the regional and international level and identify where more effective linkages are required. (WP3) Identify linkages between fisheries and socio-economic sciences and consider how to achieve better integration for the benefit of fishery management. Identify other relevant disciplines outside mainstream fisheries science, assess present collaboration and enhance linkages. (WP4)
Objective 3: Analysis Analyse nationally funded research programmes and identify where there are areas of common interest, gaps and possible duplication. (WP5) Identify specific research topics which will benefit from collaborative pilot projects, jointly coordinated and managed through MariFish. (WP6)
Objectives 4: Implementation Adopt a practical, direct approach to increasing cooperation and coordination by developing jointly managed research programmes in up to 5 key areas. (WP7) Undertake a ten year forward-look exercise to identify strategic and innovative requirements for fisheries research and develop jointly funded programmes to address these. (WP8)
Management WP1 Network development, management and coordination WP2 Establish best practice for identifying, commissioning, and managing fisheries research programmes IdentificationAnalysis Implementation WP3 Identify existing regional, European and international collaboration WP5 National research programme analysis WP7 Prepare and commission shared research programmes WP4 Coordination and linkages between fisheries and socio- economic research, and other disciplines. WP6 Analysis of special research topics and regional sea areas that warrant special programme coordination WP8 Ten year Forward Look to identify and jointly fund a strategic programme of fisheries research
Observers Quality Assurance Implementation WP8WP7WP6WP5WP4WP3WP2 Secretariat and Consortium Administration Work Package Management Group MariFish Steering Committee WP1 MariFish Management structure
WP 1 – Programme Management (Jan 06–Dec 10) Jan-06 Jul-10Jan-07Jul-09Jan-10Jul-07Jan-08Jul-08Jan-09Jul-06 Consortium Agreement (T1.7) Collaboration agreement published (1.6) Report id. Fish. Mgmt. Drivers (1.4a) Communications strategy document (1.5) Final MariFish report 1 st meeting SC Management Group Prog. & WP Plans Consortium Agrmnt. 2nd meeting SC Consider deliverables Comms. strategy 3rd meeting of SC Consider deliverables WP7 projects 4th meeting SC WP7 pilot WP8 guidelines 5th meeting of SC Progress of WP7 pilot Calls 1&2 projects 6th meeting SC WP7 progress WP8 progress 7th meeting SC Final meeting Final report Key Tasks & Deliverables 1 st meeting WP Management Group WP planning 2nd meeting WPMG Review progress WP2,3&4 Report to SC on pilot options 3rd meeting WPMG Pilot project WP7 Report to SC 4th meeting WPMG Pilot project 8 Report to SC 5th meeting WPMG WP 7&8 Report to SC 6th meeting WPMG Review progress WP 7&8 Report to SC Maintain and update information on MariFish Web-site (T1.3) Fisheries Management Drivers (T1.4a) Fisheries Research Priorities (T1.46) Report id. research evidence drivers (1.4b) Implement Communications Strategy (T1.5) Regularly maintain and update information on MariFish Web-site (monthly) Develop Comms Strategy (t1.5) MariFish Web-site Interactive h/p (WP5) Steering Committee and Work Package Management Group Meetings Key report to EU Jan-11 Interface with Commission (T1.4) Liaise with Commission and report on progress Web-site live (1.3) Task Deliverable ReportMeeting MariFish Coordination: Secretariat and Consortium Administration (T1.9) Project management, financial, legal, contractual, editorial support Regular WP & SC progress meetings
WP 2 – Best Practice (Feb 06 to Mar 08) Jan-06 Apr-08Jul-06Oct-07Jan-08Oct-06Jan-07Apr-07Jul-07Apr-06 Pre-analysis report (D2.1 mth 13) Best practice report (D2.2 mth 18) WPMG 1 meetingWPMG 2 meeting Key Tasks & Deliverables Data and information gathering (T2.1) Analysis on commissioning research and development Steering Committee and Work Package Management Group Meetings To WP 8 1 st SC meeting2 nd SC meeting3 rd SC meetingWPMG 3 meeting To SC Mtng 4 Task Deliverable ReportMeeting Data collection/collation sub contract commissioned Data collection/collation sub contract completed WP2 Core Group meeting Guidelines for commissioning jointly funded R&D (D2.3 mth 24) WP2 Core Group analysis meeting Best practice guidelines (T2.2) Prepare guidelines on commissioning best practice
WP 3 – Existing regional, European & International collaboration (Jan 06-Mar 07) Jan-06 Apr-08Jul-06Oct-07Jan-08Oct-06Jan-07Apr-07Jul-07Apr-06 Med1 workshop (M3.2) Key Tasks & Deliverables Steering Committee and Work Package Management Group Meetings Strengths and deficiencies report (Eur & Int) (D3.1) Strengths and deficiencies report (Reg) (D3.2) Baltic workshop (M3.1) North sea workshop (M3.3) Med2 workshop (M3.4) West Atlantic & int workshop (M3.5) 2 nd SC meeting WPMG 2 meeting Report to steering committee Publish to web (T3.2) 3 rd SC meeting Final report (D3.3) Task Deliverable ReportMeeting Map and Analysis: Current collaboration and coordination (T3.1) Analysis at regional, European and international level Preliminary data on webs-site
WP4 – Coordination & linkages between fisheries & socio-economic research (Jan 06-Jun 07) Jan-06 Apr-08Jul-06Oct-07Jan-08Oct-06Jan-07Apr-07Jul-07Apr-06 Key Tasks & Deliverables ID of economic & socio- economic research (T4.1) Database production Steering Committee and Work Package Management Group Meetings Database to web-site (D4.1b) 2 nd SC meeting WPMG 2 meeting Report on statement of priorities (D4.4) 3 rd SC meeting ID related disciplines (T4.3) Relevant to fisheries Report on other relevant disciplines (D4.3) Report on future needs of S-E research (D4.2) WPMG 3 meeting Task Deliverable ReportMeeting Report on current status of S-E research (D4.1) 2 nd Core Group 3 rd Core Group Socio-economic workshop on research (T4.2) Research linkages ID other linkages Identify priorities, Final workshop (T4.2)
WP 5 – National research programme analysis (Feb 06-April 08) Jan-06 Apr-08Jul-06Oct-07Jan-08Oct-06Jan-07Apr-07Jul-07Apr-06 Key Tasks & Deliverables Establish interactive homepage (T5.1) Develop interactive web-site for holding national programme data Preparation for data collection & data collection Steering Committee and Work Package Management Group Meetings Web-site data bank established (D5.1) Criteria matrix report published (D5.2) Inventory of programmes published (D5.3) Strength & Weakness catalogue (D5.4) 2 nd SC meeting WPMG 3 meeting 3 rd SC meeting 4 th SC meeting Jul-08 Task Deliverable ReportMeeting Develop portal for uploading and public presentation of programme information Develop portal (T5.5) Develop a matrix for comparing National research programmes Develop a matrix (T5.2) Analyse research programmes to establish overlaps/gaps/areas of interest Analyse national research programmes (T5.3) Strength & Weakness analysis (T5.4) Strength & Weakness exercise on National programmes Portal established (D5.5)
WP 6 – Analysis of research topics that warrant programme coordination (June 07-April 08 Jan-07 Apr-09Jul-07Oct-08Jan-09Oct-07Jan-08Apr-08Jul-08Apr-07 Key Tasks & Deliverables ID emerging problems (T6.1) ID emerging problems facing fisheries mgmt at regional & EU level Steering Committee and Work Package Management Group Meetings Workshop on emerging problems (M6.1) Report on emerging problems (D6.1) Report on coordination (D6.2) Strategy proposal produced (D6.3) 3 rd SC meeting WPMG 3 meeting 4 th SC meeting Consolidate info on coordination (T6.2) Consolidate information on specific topics suitable for coordination Research on collaborative pilots (T6.3) Recommend research areas where collaborative pilots would be beneficial Task Deliverable ReportMeeting To WP 7 (T7.2) Workshop on collaborative pilots (M6.2)
WP 7 – Prepare & commission shared research programmes (Sept 07-May 10) Aug-07 Aug-10Apr-08Dec-09Apr-10Aug-08Dec-08Apr-09Aug-09Dec-07 Pilot study inception meeting Key Tasks & Deliverables Pilot progs (T7.1) Agree basic principles, mgmt procedure & protocols Steering Committee and Work Package Management Group Meetings List of candidate pilots (D7.2) Dec-10 Produce annex to consortium agreement Pilot implementation (T7.5) Agree final pilots and host inception/progress meetings (T7.5) Pilot analysis (T7.6) Review report of pilots & SWOT analysis of approach Review & SWOT 3 rd SC meeting WPMG 3 meeting 4 th SC meeting WPMG 6 meeting Task Deliverable ReportMeeting To WP 6 (D6.1, D6.2) Consider output from WP6 & identify five possible pilots Elaborate pilot programmes ID pilots (T7.2) & elaborate and consider pilots (T7.3) Expert working groups mtng & reports (D7.3) Pilot study progress meeting Progress meeting WPMG 4 meeting WPMG 5 meeting 5 th SC meeting 6 th SC meeting Candidate pilot prog mtng Pilot protocols (agree final pilot programme plans)
WP8–10yr forward look to identifying & jointly fund strategic programme of research (Dec 10-Jun 07) Aug-07 Aug-10Apr-08Dec-09Apr-10Aug-08Dec-08Apr-09Aug-09Dec-07 Key Tasks & Deliverables Jointly funded programmes(T8.1,T8.2,T8.3,T8.4,T8.5) Identify future requirements and prepare list of topics for jointly funded programme and establish administrative framework Steering Committee and Work Package Management Group Meetings Dec-10 WS for future priorities (D8.1) Evaluation of Monitoring process for 1 st call 4 th SC meeting Report on future priorities (M8.1) WS to synthesise results from D8.1 (D8.2) Report on future priorities (D8.2) Administrative framework for proposal (D8.4) Produce shortlist (D8.3) Commissioned research (M8.7) Evaluate process (D8.7) Monitor progress (M8.10) Progress report (D8.9, D8.12)) Finalise admin protocol (M8.8) Launch (M8.9) Commission & list of projects on web (D8.10) WPMG 4 meeting WPMG 5 meeting Second call for jointly funded strategic research, (T8.8, T8.9, T8.11) Task Deliverable ReportMeeting 3 rd SC meeting Draft descriptions for call (D8.6) Pilot programme launched (M8.6) Pilot programme published (D8.5) Evaluation of process for pilot call report First pilot call for jointly funded strategic research (T8.6,T8.7,T8.10) Strategic Priorities (T8.5) Monitor progress (M8.10) 5 th SC meeting
Work Package 4 MARIFISH (Era-Net) Programme – Sequencing of Activity Work Packages 1-4 Jul-10 Implement communications strategy (T1.5) Jan-07Jul-09Jan-10Jul-07Jan-08Jul-08Jan-09 ID of Socio economic research (T4.1) MariFish Web-site Fisheries Management Drivers (T1.4a) Fisheries Research Priorities (T1.46) Maintain and update MariFish web-site (T1.3) Consortium Agreement (T1.7) Current collaboration & coordination (T3.1) ID related discipline (T4.3) Jul-06 Jan-06 ID other research linkages Interface with Commission (T1.4) Work Package 1 Work Package 3 Work Package 2 Develop Comms Strategy (T1.5) Data and information gathering (T2.1) Best practice guidelines (T2.2)
MARIFISH (Era-Net) Programme – Sequencing of Activity Work Packages 5-8 Work Package 6 Work Package 8 Develop Portal (T5.5) Establish home-page (T5.1) Develop a matrix (T5.2) Analyse national research programmes (T5.3) Strength & Weakness Analysis (T5.4) Consolidate info on coord (T6.2) Pilot Implementation (T7.5) Research on pilots (T6.3) Work Package 7 Jul-10Jan-07Jul-09Jan-10Jul-07Jan-08Jul-08Jan-09Jul-06 Jan-06 Work Package 5 Pilot Progs (T7.1) ID emerging problems (T6.1) ID pilots (T7.2) & elaborate & consider pilots (T7.3) Pilot Progs (T7.6) Preparation for Jointly funded programmes (T8.1, T8.2, T8.3, T8.4, T8.5) First pilot call for jointly funded strategic research (T8.6, 8.7, 8.10) Second call for jointly funded strategic research (T8.8, 8.9, 8.11)
In summary what will MariFish help us to achieve? -We will learn what each Partner’s priorities are for research, what is being funded at present, how the research priorities are chosen. -We will get a clearer understanding of what research is undertaken outside ‘mainstream’ fisheries research, particularly on economics, and other related areas of research. -We will select areas of research which will benefit from enhanced coordination and commission and jointly manage pilot programmes/projects. -We will establish strategic requirements for R&D and commission and fund a strategic research programme.
We expect to also achieve: -An enhanced role for funders in Marine Fisheries R&D decision making, including prioritisation and strategic decision making. -Ensure appropriate prominence of Marine Fisheries research in EU funding programmes. -Improved application of research to solving management problems. -Bring added value to all our research budgets, -and hopefully achieve a lasting partnership between funders.