Challenges in Data Collection and Dissemination of National Development Indicators, including MDGs The Experience of Cambodia by Lay Chhan National Institute of Statistics Cambodia UNSD-DFID Project on National Development Indicators: Country Director's Meeting, New York, USA October 2014
Background In December2010, NIS Cambodia, started UNSD-DFID supported project on the Collation, Availability and Dissemination of Development Indicators, including MDGs National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP), a five-year plan of the Royal Government of Cambodia, with list of 136 indicators; of which 72 core indicators (including 43 MDG indicators) and 64 supplementary indicators were used as the framework for the implementation of the project The existing database system for dissemination of national development indicators, known as CamInfo (an adaptation of DevInfo), maintaining by the NIS has been used as central data repository and platform for exchange data between the NIS and UNdata 10/16/20142
Objectives of the Project To improve the coherence among development indicators produced in Cambodia, by ensuring a stronger coordination and collaboration among national data producers and by promoting the use of standard definitions, methodologies, data exchange formats and data transfers To improve visibility to country official statistics at the international level by establishing a single data portal for development indicators at the country level and by bringing country data up to the international level To improve statistical literacy among line ministries producing data for development indicators 10/16/20143
Key Accomplishments under the Project Institutional capacity development and statistical coordination within NSS has been strengthened through organizes a series of technical meeting with line ministries, lead and facilitate numbers of meeting/workshop with other TWGs and other organizations, as well as conducting statistical literacy training Currently, the process of gathering data and metadata for NSDP and MDG indicators from line ministries using the standardized template and exchanging via electronic files/copies, and their latest data has been integrated and disseminated via CamInfo Mapping of all NSDP and MDG indicator data and metadata using the mapping tool within the registry-based CamInfo has been completed The upgraded CamInfo online has been launched and promoted through a wide range national stakeholders workshop in June /16/20144
Challenges in Data Coordination, Dissemination and Reporting Statistical productions in the NIS and in line ministries are still not properly coordinated and harmonized in tern the concepts, definitions and methodologies, resulting different sets of official statistics are in use, for example: – The definition of indicator on improved water sources and sanitation facilities used by the NIS, such as population census, demographic and health survey and household socio-economic survey remain differences – The definition of rural area in the Ministry of Rural Development appears to be difference from the one used by the NIS Lack of supporting metadata information/documentation vs. data availability and data reporting from of most line ministries Differences of figures due to different reporting of line departments within the ministry vs. the same reported indicator Lack of data reporting of some indicators vs. multiple data sources of some other indicators (e.g. forest cover vs. water, sanitation and employment) Lack of quality control /quality assurance vs. data dissemination policies and data revisions 10/16/20145
Challenges in Producing Data and IT Capacity The weak statistical units in most of line ministries due to small number of qualified staff and limited capacity and skills in data analysis and knowledge in statistical concepts and methodologies for estimation and compilation of statistical data Lack of well trained IT staff both NIS and line ministries, especially data management and dissemination Limited financial support for statistical activities and low salaries in NSS as a whole, leading to low motivation of statistical staff and statistical productions 10/16/20146
Opportunities Strong NIS role as a central coordination body within NSS empowered by Statistics Law Increasing demand of statistical data for monitoring the progress of National Strategic Development Plan and sectoral action plan of the government The establishment of ASEAN Community (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and tracking the progress toward ASEAN integration needs the importance of statistical data for monitoring The new global initiative towards the Post-2015 development framework, initiative on Data Revolution, and the statistical programmes in Asia and the Pacific region needs more strong support from the statistics Increasing use of modern technology in data dissemination and data exchange, and comparable data from both national and internal levels 10/16/20147
Conclusions Important role of NIS in harmonization and standardization of development indicators with the whole NSS Important of DevInfo/CamInfo in using as a tool for monitoring and dissemination of national development indicators and MDGs Adaptation and promotion of international standards and methodologies/guidelines Continuous capacity building programme, especially statistical concepts, data analysis, database management and ICT Continues support from development partners both in technical and financial assistance 10/16/20148
Thank you! 10/16/20149