Print out your WPBD Bridge. Write your name and period here.
Supplies Needed Glue Sand Paper Cutting Board X acto knife Wood from Teacher
Use bridge printout to measure wood length
Use knife to cut wood to length. Make sure to use cutting board!
Glue the edge of wood Use a small amount of glue. Try and not make a mess. If you make a mess clean it up.
Place your wood on paper, glue side down.
Mark you next piece for bridge.
Now that top and bottom are done, work on the ends the same way you did the top and bottom.
Make your wood pieces a little long and sand them to the correct size.
There should be a small gap to no gap, between the top and bottom pieces.
Glue both ends of the stick with a small amount of glue.
Put the stick into place on your paper and start on the other end.
Use the same process to cut and glue in the middle pieces of wood to finish the first side.
Clean up the glue spills during clean up time, which is the last 10 minutes of class.
Push the lid down so the glue will not dry out.
Put your knife away, blade side down. Straighten your area up.
Use the hand brooms and dust pans to clean up the scraps on the table and floor.
Put your bridge in the blue cubbies and return your extra pieces of wood to the teacher.