Alex, Ryan, & Emily
History The Eiffel Tower is an immense structure of exposed latticework supports made of puddle iron. The Eiffel Tower was built for the World Exhibition in 1889, held in celebration of the French Revolution in It was almost torn down in 1909 at the expiration of its 20- year lease, but was saved because of its antenna, used for telegraphy at that time. It’s been used for French Radio, French Television, and became part of the International Time service in 1910.
Eiffel Tower hours DAILY LIFT STAIRS: From 17 June to 28 August 9 a.m. to 12:45 a.m Last lift midnight (11p.m. for the top) 9 a.m. to 12:45 a.m. Last admission : midnight The rest of the year 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. Last lift 11 p.m. (10:30 p.m. for the top) 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Last admission : 6 p.m. The Eiffel Tower is open every single day of the year !
Gustave Eiffel The man behind the Eiffel Tower was Gustave Eiffel, known from his revolutionary bridge building techniques, as employed in the great viaduct at Garabit in These techniques would form the basis for the construction of the Eiffel Tower. He was also known for the construction of the Statue of Liberty's iron framework. The structure took more than two years to complete. Each one of the about 12,000 iron pieces were designed separately to give them exactly the shape needed. All pieces were prefabricated and fit together using approx. 7 million nails.
Interesting facts Took 300 steal workers and 2 years Dates of construction: January 26, 1887 – March 31, 1889 Total weight – 9,441 tons Cost of construction – 7.8 million Francs ($1.5 million) Total height with television antenna – meters (1052 feet, 4 inches) Gustave Eiffel lived in it, he had his apartment up at the very top No one was killed during the construction of the Eiffel tower In 1912 a Parisian tailor, Reichelt, attempted to fly from the Eiffel tower. He plunged to his death and according to the autopsy, he died of a heart attack before even touching the ground