Weddings Anil Vural Comenius Project
Structure of my presentation: weddings in Austria weddings in Austria weddings in Turkey weddings in Turkey muslim weddings muslim weddings
Weddings in Austria very beautiful weddings very beautiful weddings There is a life band, so an Austrian wedding is never bored There is a life band, so an Austrian wedding is never bored beautiful locations like snow peaked mountains in the backdrop beautiful locations like snow peaked mountains in the backdrop Many couples are re-marrying on their 25th wedding anniversary Many couples are re-marrying on their 25th wedding anniversary
Popular wedding locations
Weddings in Turkey Different weddings in rural and urban areas Different weddings in rural and urban areas Very long ceremony Very long ceremony can only marry with permission of family can only marry with permission of family Both families give gifts to the couple Both families give gifts to the couple
Popular wedding locations
Muslim weddings The Henna ceremony is the start of a muslim wedding The Henna ceremony is the start of a muslim wedding Nikaah symbolizes the actual wedding ceremony Nikaah symbolizes the actual wedding ceremony
Muslim weddings
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