1 Breakout session
2 groups – does everyone have a group? nominate a rapporteur to summarise key points appointed note taker will record more detail facilitators have been nominated for each group Julie will circulate amongst groups and keep time
3 Group facilitators/note takers issues of parsing and data management facilitator – James Reid note taker – Ian Densham integration with other resources facilitator – Hilary Beedham/Lucy Bell note taker – Andrew Robson design, functionality and content facilitator – David Medyckyj-Scott note taker – Andy Corbett/James Crone
4 Rooms issues of parsing and data management - Reynolds room design, functionality and content – Adair room integration with other resources – Wetherall room
5 Goals each group is asked to consider the specific areas listed for that group each group is asked to suggest strategies and methods for supporting further development and a full, shared service you are asked to consider potential organisational and technical problems in your area and to suggest how these might be overcome