HU113: Technical Report Writing Prof. Dr. Abdelsamie Moet Fall 2012/13 Pharos University in Alexandria Faculty of Engineering Lecture 3: Learning by Writing
HU113_Lect3_Writing2 Overview Learning Bloom’s Taxonomy –Knowledge –Understanding –Applying –Analyzing –Evaluation –Creating Writing
HU113_Lect3_Writing3 Learning Domains Cognitive Affective Benjamin Bloom
Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge/Remembering Understanding Applying Analysising Evaluation Creating
the ability to put parts together to form a new whole. This may involve the production of a unique communication (theme or speech), a plan of operations (research proposal), or a set of abstract relations (scheme for classifying information). Writing
Class exercise: Exploring Batteries with Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge/ Remembering o List as many uses for household batteries as you can think of. Name as many different sized batteries as you can. Write down all the places where you can buy batteries. Understanding o Describe the composition of a battery. Draw and label the parts of a battery. Describe how a battery works. Applying o Draw a rough diagram illustrating how to properly insert a battery into a torch, a tape recorder or alarm clock. Analysing o Determine ways the battery has changed the following markets: toys, small appliances, and health aids. Evaluating o What criteria would you set up to evaluate a particular brand of battery? How would you use these criteria to select your next battery? Creating o Invent a new toy that operates on batteries. Draw your design and indicate how and where the batteries are to be installed.
Useful Exercise Apply and discuss Bloom’s Taxonomy in relation to your educational journey words Knowledge/Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating
9 The Writing Process 1.Prewriting Preparation 2.Drafting 3.Revising 4.Editing 5.Publishing/Sharing (Submitting)