SBSBR-Koi carp TNFDC -Aliyar
TNFDC Aliyar –Koi carp report 2 SBSBR Installation
Fish Activity
Water clarity
DateNH3NO2NO Result
Stock improvement-Conventional Vs SBSBR
A Ornamental fish (Koi carp) rearing system was operational without any water exchange. A Ornamental fish (Koi carp) rearing system was operational without any water exchange. The residual NH4-N estimated in the rearing tank was around 0.1ppm The residual NH4-N estimated in the rearing tank was around 0.1ppm Nitrite was recorded at 0.1pppm Nitrite was recorded at 0.1pppm Nitrate always stood below 7ppm Nitrate always stood below 7ppm Stocking density improved 5times compared with conventional practice Stocking density improved 5times compared with conventional practice Results