講者:許永昌 老師 1
Contents Review of Ch1 Preview of Ch2 Action Exercises (Gotten from R.D. Knight, Instructor Guide) Homework 2
Review of Ch1 Motion diagrams. The concepts of position, velocity and acceleration. Pictorial representation. Units. 3
Preview of Ch2 (P34~P63) 4 Kinematics: 只講運動型式 ( 果 ) ,不講原因 ( 原因要等到 Newton‘s Law 才講 ) 。
Action (constant velocity, different directions and starting points) 5 O
Exercise Do A and B ever have the same speed? If so, at what time or times? 6 (1) A B (2) A B t x t x
Exercises Does v x =x/t? Does the slope have unit? What are wrong in these equations? dx=x 2 v x =x v=-1 m/s 以上是常見的錯誤。 7 t x
Exercise ( 請預讀 p34~p38) 8 A B C t (second) x (m)
Instantaneous velocity and derivative ( 請預讀 p38~p44) Instantaneous velocity: Mathematics: 9 Q: Do you know how to prove them?
Summary I 10
Homework Student Workbook: 2.1.b
Action II ( 請預讀 p44~p48) 12
Exercises Please write down the expanded form of What is wrong in this equation? 13
The integrals Mathematics: 14
Finding position from velocity 15 s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 s5s5 titi tftf ss
Exercise Find the position at times 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 seconds. Assume x 0 = 0 m. Draw a position-versus-time graph. (1)Change x 0. (2)Change v x0 and the slope. 16 t (second) v x (m/s)
Summary II 17 t vxvx
Example 2.2 (p37) 18
Homework Student Workbook:
Action III ( 請預讀 p48~p60) 20
constant acceleration 21 t (s) v y (m/s) tt vyvy
Kinematics with constant acceleration (p52) 22
Instantaneous acceleration ( 請預讀 p61~p62) Instantaneous acceleration: 23 t (s) v (m/s) a (m/s 2 ) t (s)
Exercise A sprinter accelerates at 2.5 m/s 2 until reaching his top speed of 15 m/s. He then continues to run at top speed. How long does it take him to run the 100-m dash? 24
Summary III 請多加練習在 motion diagram 與 x-vs-t, v-vs-t 與 a-vs-t graphs 四者之間的轉換與關連,它們都是方便您分析問題 的好工具。 有些觀念用問的我們知道錯,但是,這錯誤卻出現在我們 的直覺裡;所以,善用上述 4 個工具,可避免這種錯誤發 生。 速度 =0 不代表加速度 =0 。 有加速度不代表 speed 一定增加。 為此,這本書特別希望大家先 1. 訂出座標 2. 寫出 s, v s, a s ( 即位置,速度與加速度在 s 方向的分量 ) 而不是寫 r, v, a 。 25
Homework Student Workbook: 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.18, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23 Textbook’s Problems: 2.8, 2.9, 2.25, 2.27, 2.45, 2.49 自己製作 p63 裡 terms and notation 裡頭的單字卡片。 26