Our Local Priorities for Sue Cavill Associate Director for Communications & Engagement
Purpose of the Presentation Our planning priorities 09/10 Primary Care aims Update on Learning Disabilities Over to you
Our Vision To make Leicestershire and Rutland the healthiest place in the UK OUR PURPOSE 1) Help you to lead a longer and healthier life 2) Secure quality care and treatment when and where you need it
Overall objectives 1 Work in partnership to support people in Leicestershire and Rutland to make healthier lifestyle choices. Shift the proportion and pattern of healthcare spend from treatment to prevention, by targeting local needs and inequalities. Invest in services to improve the mental health and well being of the local population. Achieve excellent outcomes in terms of health status. Work in partnership to support people in Leicestershire and Rutland to make informed choices about their health services.
Overall objectives 2 Commission prompt and seamless care, designed around the needs of individuals. Achieve outstanding patient experience, by commissioning personalised services from responsive providers Bring care closer to home where safe and effective to do so Centralise services where needed to improve outcomes Commission best value care pathways based on evidence Achieve excellent outcomes in terms of clinical safety and quality.
Building Blocks for Achievement Darzi – Next Stage Review 10 Year Vision World Class Commissioning 5 Year Strategic Plan Local Area Agreements Operating Framework Our Local Operating Plan
National Priorities 2009/10 Improve cleanliness and reduce Healthcare Associated Infections Improve access through achievement of the 18-week referral to treatment Improve access (including at evenings and weekends) to GP services Keep adults and children well, improving their heath and reducing health inequalities. Improve patients satisfaction and engagement Prepare to respond in a state of emergency, such as an outbreak of pandemic influenza Improve access to dentistry and maternity services
Local priorities 2009/10 Improve outcomes for children in private children’s homes Provide short breaks to young people with disabilities at age 18 Increase speech and language therapies for children and young people Ensure all patients with mental health problems have access to independent representation Improve treatment for people with Age Related Macular Degeneration Improve cleanliness and reduce healthcare associated infections in community hospitals Provide support closer to home for patients with HIV
Local priorities for 2009/10 Improve quality and health outcomes for patients with skin cancer Improve sexual health and contraceptive services Develop a local phone number for patients to ring for urgent medical attention Provide a parenting programme for parents of new babies Work with the county council to support carers Improve our local continence service and provide care in local settings
Primary Care aims Involve people in shaping services Promote healthy lives Continuously improve quality Commission local services Ensure value for money in Primary Care Services Develop primary care premises
Healthcare for All
Healthcare For All A critical national report on the NHS treatment received by people with learning disabilities NHS LCR currently consulting on their action plan to address recommendations in the report
Over to you Complete our questionnaire (paper or web based) by18 March Take part in the learning disabilities consultation Further information: Tel