Homework Oct 13-17
1ro y 2do kinder MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Study song “paint the chicken”. Track 18. Bring a cereal box. Study song “paint the chicken”. Track 18. Draw in your notebook 3 vegetables Study song “paint the chicken”. Track 18. Draw in your notebook 3 fruits Study song “paint the chicken”. Track 18. Worksheet about numbers Study song “paint the chicken”. Track 18 Bring a piece your favorite food..
3ro kinder MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Study song “I’m going to the zoo” Track 17 Cut and paste in notebook 4 zoo animals Lion Snake Jiraffe Cocodrile Elephant Study song “pain the lion” track 18. Bring an animal toy Study song “pain the lion” track 18. Bring 2 used toilet paper tubes Study song “I’m going to the zoo” Track 17 What does -zebra -jiraffe -lion eat? Write in notebook Study song “I’m going to the zoo” Track 17 Bring a picture of sa and it animals