a. Origins i. From northern Europe ii. Called Norsemen iii. Society was rural and agricultural 1. Most worked as fishermen or farmers 2. Scandinavia’s soil was not suitable for farming a. As the population grew; food shortages became a common problem b. This will lead some Viking leaders to take what they needed from other people. Starts the beginning of Viking raids.
b. Viking Raids i. Vikings were great ship builders ii. Vikings were also skilled at navigation 1. Navigation- planning the course across the sea or land
iii. Vikings targeted several areas 1. Initially they raided England and France 2. Eventually extended to Kiev (Russia) and Constantinople iv. Vikings left people in constant fear of their raids v. Favorite target for Viking raids were monasteries 1. They were easier to plunder
c. Viking Settlements i. Some Vikings were explorers 1. Some will establish permanent settlements in distant lands
ii. Iceland 1. According to Icelandic sources, Vikings arrived there in the late 700s. 2. Led by a council called the Althing a. Settlement thrived and outlasted settlements in mainland Europe 3. Sagas tell that the Vikings will set out from Iceland and reach Greenland in 982 a. Sagas- long Icelandic stories about heroes and events
iii. Leif Eriksson 1. About a hundred years after Vikings reached Greenland, Leif led an expedition to North America 2. Settled on the eastern shore of modern-day Canada
iv. Rollo 1. Established a settlement in northern France 2. Will raid France many times 3. Made a deal with the king of France a. Agreed to stop his raids and help defend France against other Viking raids in exchange for land in northern France b. This area became known as Normandy or the land of the Northmen