As far as IT goes? Thoughts on crossing the bridge…
Learners respond better to IT than to books. It is risky to rely too much on technology. IT can increase sharing and collaboration. IT can lead children to work in isolation. A resource is only as good as its content. All learning should be fun. Agree or disagree?
What we can agree on: Everyone’s a visionary Everyone’s a realist Fragmented approaches to ICT usage and exploitation Budgets and politics play their part And don’t we know IT !
Points for reflection… Where does the classroom start and stop…? …and who decides? …and does it matter? The comprehensiveness of ‘ICT’ – does it do what it claims to do? The usefulness of ICT in traditionally non-IT enabled settings – really? Is the distinction between hardware and software relevant to the learner?
ICT and Skills…Q & A: #1: What do we mean by ‘Skills’? #2: Just what do we mean by ‘technology’ or ‘ICT? #3: Why ICT and Skills?
Introducing…Little Bridge… Author: Paul Rogers Publisher: Manic Monkey Ltd Published in 2008/9
Little Bridge & Skills: 2 key points #1. Importance of… recognizing Skills interdependency #2. Importance of… discrete and particular Skills: Grammar & language skills Self assessment Thinking skills
Little Bridge & Skills: examples: #1. Reading LB1 software Unit 7 Activity 4 Students select the right words to make a sentence describing the picture #2. Writing LB1 software Unit 6 Activity 3 Students spell the name of the animal in order to reveal the picture
Little Bridge & Skills: examples: #1. Listening + reading LB1 software Unit 7 Activity 1 Presentation option with and without text LB1 software Unit 6 Activty 6 Reading supported by listening
Little Bridge & Skills: examples: #1. Grammar & language skills LB2 software Unit 8 Activity 8 Placing a word correctly in a sentence. This triggers a fun video #2. Thinking skills LB2 software Unit 4 Activity 8 Tests skills of observation and memory in addition to language skills)
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And so… Should IT be changing what skills we’re actually teaching? …and who we’re teaching them to? …and how we’re teaching them? How can technology help us address the classic challenge of teaching skills- based interdependencies in English to a whole class that is at the same time a collection of individuals?
Little Bridge can offer some answers: #1 Role of intuitive usage in getting the desired learning outcomes… #2 Plausible, measurable and memorable for all… #3 Affordable, flexible and accountable to all… ….and most of all….its fun, its exciting and IT works!
Quick global snapshot: macro v. micro arguments At the macro level in hardware evolution: Constantly-improving learning ‘environments’: does it matter who’s in control of the ‘environment’? Innovation has typically been driven by ‘viable’ needs: have learners and teachers been losing out? At the micro level in software development: New programs often reflect desire to show ‘improvement potential’ in relational aspects of teaching as well as Skills/Functions/Grammar.
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