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About us We take pleasure in inviting you to become a member of Global MAX. We have two objectives: 1 st to provide the best service available to clients on a worldwide basis and 2 nd to promote interaction between members for the development of mutual work. We achieve this through a combination of robust marketing, automation and close communications with members.
Benefits of Membership Enquiries are generated through our 30 + web sites and forwarded to members as per their origin, for follow-up. Reliability and interaction with a global network. Automation brings faster closing of deals. Save on International travel cost for appointing agents in different countries. Members can post their rates on the system and receive feedback. We permit only 3 members per country. In the USA only one member is permitted per market. Hurry and register yourself...
Worldwide Member Opportunities Afghanistan EL Salvador Kazakhstan Philippines Argentina Finland Kenya Peru Armenia France Korea Portugal Australia Georgia Kyrgyzstan Puerto Rico Austria Germany Lebanon Qatar Azerbaijan Greece Madagascar Romania Bangladesh Guatemala Malawi Russian Federation Belgium Hawaii Malaysia Saudi Arabia Bosnia Honduras Malta Singapore Brazil Hong Kong Mauritius Slovenia Bulgaria Hungary Mexico South Africa Canada India Monaco South Korea Chile Indonesia Mongolia Spain China Iran Morocco Sri Lanka Columbia Iraq Myanmar Switzerland Costa Rica Ireland Nepal Taiwan Croatia Israel Netherlands Thailand Cuba Italy New Zealand Turkey Denmark Jamaica Norway UAE Ecuador Japan Pakistan UK Egypt Jordan Panama USA and many more… mlhttp:// ml com/ com/
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