Weststrasse 51 • 8570 Weinfelden • Switzerland Fon +41 71 626 0 626 • Fax +41 71 626 0 623 www.imo.ch • info@imo.ch KS, halte heute im Auftrag des IMO den Vortrag zum Thema Global Standard – Auswirkungen des GOTS auf den Naturtextilhandel Als Freelancer beim IMO tätig. Dort kümmere ich mich um alle eingehenden Anfragen und begleite die Firmen bis zur Inspektion bei allen Fragen und Formalitäten – d.h. von der Anfrage bis zur Inspektionsplanung. Daneben bin ich selbständig mit meiner Firma it fits-Organic Development Support. In vielen unterschiedlichen Projekten bringe ich mein Know-How über Bio-Textilien ein, ein Schwerpunkt bildet das Thema Standards und Label. Organic Cotton: Opportunities for Value Addition Saood Qaseem, Country Coordinator (Pakistan) ICTC 2011, Lahore, March 29, 2011
Global Network: IMO Offices and Representatives Certification of: Organic agriculture and organic food products (EC 834/2007, USDA-NOP, JAS) Forest products (FSC, PEFC), Aqua-culture, Organic textiles (GOTS, OE), Natural leather and feathers (IVN), Organic and natural cosmetics, Knowhow in footprints (carbon, water), traceability....
Introduction Global Environmental Concerns Environmental Concerns w.r.t to Cotton Farming Environmental Concerns in the Textile Sector
Fibres from Organic Agriculture Avoid synthetic pesticides ( stop “pesticide dependency”) Avoid artificial fertilizers (use manure…) Avoid genetic engineering Better water management Enhancement/ protection of soil-fertility
Laws and Regulations for Organic Farming EEC 834/2007 National Program for Organic Production – (India-2001) National Organic Program (US-2002) Not for fibres: Japanese Agriculture Standards (Japan-2002)
Organic Cotton Value Chain Map
Top OC Producers in the World (2010) India 80.85% Syria 8.27% Turkey 4.8% China 1.78% USA 1.16% (These five countries represent above 95% of the world’s organic cotton production) others include Tanzania, Uganda, Peru, Egypt, Mali, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Israel, Benin, Paraguay, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Senegal, Nicaragua, South Africa, Brazil and Zambia. Total 241,697 metric tonnes
Global OC Fiber Production 2005-2010 241,697 37,799
Opportunity for OC in Pakistan
Eco Textile Labels / Standards
2754 certified facilities in 54 countries (2010)
Organic Cotton Market (Retail Sales)
Top OC Consumers in the World (Retailers)
Certificates Company certificate
Transaction Certificate: For each lot/delivery, mentioning exact weight, units, packaging etc. Mentiones buyer and shipping destination Available for any product from a certified company Means that product has been traceable so far.
Further information http://www.imo.ch http://www.organicexchange.org/ Textile companies may contact: SQ@imo.ch Chemical companies seeking GOTS-approval for their products may contact: gotsapproval@imo.ch Sollten wir diese Fragen nicht hier und jetzt klären können, dann finden sie diese und weitere Informationen über GOTS auf….