Inventory Management System for Department of Computer Science Group Number
Used Software OS Fedora Windows Software Text Editor MYSQL Photoshop 2
General Objectives 1.Create a consistence database to store inventory details. 2.Make a web based system to manage inventory details of the department of computer science. 3.Give facility to search for the existing inventory items. 4.Confirm the security of data. 5.Confirm higher accuracy of data Main Functions 1.When the number of items reduces than a fixed amount, automatically send a to the administrator. 2.Two days before the added returning date a reminder will send to the department. 3.Create backup when the number of damaged items comes to a certain limit. 4.When the selecting process completed a mail will send to the administrator. 3
Database structure 4
Time line… Title weeks Project title discussion Data gathering Proposal writing Designing the database Identify the functions Design GUI Implementations Testing Error correction Report writing 5
L.G.S Wijesena (Sc/2009/7338) Write codes to send an receive from user… Create users search and select form. R.M.M.A Jayawardana (Sc/2009/7221) Coding of adding cart… Developing the website. R.B.A.I Rajarama (Sc/2009/7356) Database designing and implementation. Create data entering form (to the database).. W.K Darshana (Sc/2009/7240) Database designing using MYSQL cording. Insert data to database using forms. H. I. Jayasinghe (SC/2009/7220) Database designing using SQL coding. Coding of login & checking. K. A. I.P Yasanayake (SC/2009/7326) Coding for displaying full specification of the customer select. Updating database after selecting item & quantity W.K Darshana (Sc/2009/7240) Database designing using SQL cording. Insert data to database using forms. H. I. Jayasinge (SC/2009/7220) Database designing using SQL cording. Create login form. K. A. P. I Yasanayake (SC/2009/7326) Interface designing and implementation. Write SQL codes for the login page.. 6