Chapter 6: Root Locus
Algebra/calculus review items Rational functions Limits of rational functions Polynomial long division Binomial theorem
Simple example 1 Unity Gain negative feedback system G p (s) =1/(s+2) G c (s)=K OL TF: L(s)=G p (s)G c (s)=K/(s+2) –Plot OL poles and zeros in s-plane CL TF: T(s)=K/(s+2+K) –Plot CL poles and zeros in s-plane as K changes Make observations
Simple example 2 Unity Gain negative feedback system G p (s) =(s+1)/[s(s+2)] G c (s)=K OL TF: L(s)=G p (s)G c (s)=K(s+1)/[s(s+2)] –Plot OL poles and zeros in s-plane CL TF: T(s)=K(s-1)/(s 2 +(2+K)s+K) –Plot CL poles and zeros in s-plane as K changes Make observations
Simple example 3 Unity Gain negative feedback system G p (s) =1/[s(s+5)] G c (s)=K OL TF: L(s)=G p (s)G c (s)=K/[s(s+5)] –Plot OL poles and zeros in s-plane CL TF: T(s)=K/(s 2 +5s+K) –Plot CL poles and zeros in s-plane as K changes Make observations
Learning from simple examples. Going beyond simple examples.
Basic RL Facts: Consider standard negative gain unity feedback system T R (s) = L(s)/[1+L(s)], S(s) = 1/[1+L(s)], L=G C G, L=GH, etc Characteristic equation 1+L(s) = 0 For any point s on the root locus L(s) = -1=1e +/-j(2k+1)180° |L(s)|=1 magnitude criterion arg(L(s)) = +/- (2k+1)180° angle criterion Angle and magnitude criterion useful in constructing RL RL is set of all roots (= locus of roots) of the characteristic equation (= poles of closed loop system) OL poles (zeros) are poles (zeros) of L(s) CL poles are poles of T R (s), or S(s), … Closed loop poles start at OL poles (=poles of L(s)) when K=0 Closed loop poles end at OL zeros (=zeros of L(s)) when K infinity Stable CL systems have all poles in LHP (no poles in RHP)
Outline Graphical RL construction Mathematical common knowledge Motivational Examples Summary of RL construction Rules Matlab/Sysquake & RL Assignments
Pole-Zero Form of L(s) Examples? For any point s in the s-Plane, (s+z) or (s+p) can be expressed in polar form (magnitude and angle, Euler identity) For use with magnitude criterion For use with angle criterion Graphical representation/determination.
Mathematical Common Knowledge Binomial theorem Polynomial long division Final remainder is lower order than divisor. Remainder = 0 => you found a factor.
Example 1 1.RL on real axis. Apply angle criterion (AC) to various test pts on real axis. 2.RL asymptotes. 1.Angles. Apply AC to test point very far from origin, approximate L(s) = K/s m-n 2.Center. Approximate L(s) = K/(s+c) m-n, c center 3.RL Breakaway points. Find values of s on real axis so that K = -1/L(s) is a maximum or minimum. 4.RL intersects imaginary axis. R-H criterion, auxiliary equation. 5.Complete RL plot (see Fig. 6-6, pg. 346). 6.Design. Use RL plot to set damping ratio to.5.
Example 2 1.Plot OL poles and zeros. Standard beginning. 2.RL on real axis. Apply angle criterion (AC) to various test pts on real axis. 3.RL asymptotes. 1.Angles. Apply AC to test point very far from origin, approximate L(s) = K/s m-n 2.Center. Approximate L(s) = K/(s+c) m-n, c center 4.RL Break-in points. Find values of s on real axis so that K = -1/L(s) is a maximum or minimum. 5.RL intersects imaginary axis. R-H criterion, auxiliary equation. 6.Complete RL plot (see Fig. 6-6, pg. 346). 7.Design. Use RL plot to set damping ratio to.5. New featurs: Complex roots, break-in points, departure angles.
Root Locus Construction Rules 1.RL on real axis. To the left of an odd number of poles & zeros 2.RL asymptotes. 1.Angles. +/- 180(2k+1)/(#poles - #zeros) 2.Center. C = -[(sum of poles)-(sum of zeros)]/(#poles - # zeros) 3.RL Break-in points. K=-1/L(s), dK/ds =0, s’s on real axis portion of RL 4.RL intersects imaginary axis. R-H criterion, auxiliary equation. 5.Other rules. We will use MatLab for details.
Matlab/Sysquake and RL
Chapter 6 Assignments B 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11
Root locus Big Picture Characteristic equation: 1+KL(s)=0; L(s)=N(s)/D(s) –N(s)=s m +bs m-1 + … =(s+z 1 ) … (s+z m ); b=z 1 + … +z m –D(s)=s n +as n-1 + … =(s+p 1 ) … (s+p n ); a=p 1 + … +p n RL For various values of K>0 solve D(s)+KN(s)=0 Small K RL –Real axis portion of RL –Choose a K, find the roots Large K RL –Poly long division yields approximation L(s)=1/(s+c) n-m –binomial theorem relates c to a and b; –a determined by zeros; b determined by poles