Presentation of EU Drug Strategy and Action Plan – current status. Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Dr Piotr Jablonski National Bureau for Drug Prevention.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation of EU Drug Strategy and Action Plan – current status. Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Dr Piotr Jablonski National Bureau for Drug Prevention Poland

Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Basic assumptions.  The competencies for drug policy – including public health, criminal justice, enforcement and custom components – remain at Member States (MSs) level.  Each EU Drug Strategy has been the outcome of a political process of negotiations between MSs and EU institutions.  EU Drug Strategy is expected to add value over national drugs strategies.

Evaluation of previous EU Strategy.  Evaluation focuses on the add value of the Straregy for drug polices in MSs and third countries.  Evaluation provide an assessment of the relevance and influance of Strategy and the implementation of Action Plans (APs) in MSs and at EU level.  Document presents the results of the indipendent, external assessment of the Strategy and its APs.

Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Objectives and evaluation questions.  - to assess to what extent the objectives and priorities of the EU Drugs Strategy have been implemented at both national and EU level.  - to axamine the extent to which EU Startegy and its APs have influanced MSs drugs policy and legislation.  - to assess to what extent the implementation of EU Startegy and its APs has had an impact on the drugs situation in EU and on the responces prepared to tackle the drugs problem.  - to identify key aspects and recommendations that may be of importance for the formulation of the new EU Drugs Strategy.

Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Data collection and methodologies.  Data collection methods Description   Documents reviev targeted reviev of documents  Key informant intervievs 22 intervievs  On-line survey 26 MSs  In-depth intervievs 41 intervievs (33 from 7 MSs, 8 from EU representatives )  EEAS survey 44 delegations involved, 29 responses  Expert workshop day-long event

Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Findings. Findings on the Strategy documents and process of develompent: -effective and collaborative, consensus building process of Strategy developing. -coherent, well-structured but lengthy document. -actions S M A R T p e t e i e a t l m c s a e e i u i v l f r n a y i a a n c b b t l l e e - but, 158 actions adentified – „wish list „ of potential activities

Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Findings - examples. Findings on: -demand reduction: there is a need to consider drug use in a broader policy framework of addiction and licit drugs. -supply reduction: supply reduction initiatives now face new challenge from „legal highs”. -coordination: the Strategy seems to have been relatively effective in its contribution to a more collaborative and informed drafting of national druds policies. -international cooperation: the Strategy has enabled the EU to „ speak one voice „ at international fora. -information, research and evaluation: this area enjoins broad support from stakeholders at MSs and EU levels.

Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Responses to the evaluation questions. Implementation of EU Drugs strategy objectives and priorities: - progress on virtually every objectives and priorities / even though the degree varies significantly. -Situation in areas that were the focus of the Strategy improved since its adoption. -Strategy’s objectives has followed its core principle of balans approache to drugs policy.

Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Responses to the evaluation questions. Impact on MSs strategies and action plans: -the Stategy contributed to the convergence in the way individual MSs formulate their own drugs policies. -MSs strategies and action plans have become more in line with EU documents. -Evaluation has become a more embedded practice.

Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Responses to the evaluation questions. Imdirect impact on third countries and international organizations: -„speak with one voice” -Promotion of so called „ EU model’ of tackling drug releted challenges”. -Serve as a guidelince for candidaye countries.

Evaluation of previous EU Strategy. Responses to the evaluation questions. Change of EU drugs situation since 2005: -Little change in overall demand for and availability of illicit drugs in EU. -Significant decline in the number of newly reported HIV infections since Drug-induced deaths remain at historically high levels.

Responses to the evaluation questions. Other examples. - in relation to supply reduction data (EMCDDA, Europol) does not indicate significant improvement in the drugs situation. -In relation to demand reduction available data show some positive changes. -The Strategy provoded value to MSs drugs policies, facilitated information exchange and the sharing of best practices across MSs. -Promoted the use of evidences for drugs policies.

Recommendations EU Drugs Strategy should be continued. Balanced approach should be maintain and the HDG could further elign its activities with other EU bodies, institutions and activities. Working methods of main coordination body – HDG – require logistical and structural changes. Information, research and evaluation should continue to be supported. International cooperation should continue to be strong theme future drugs activities. More emphasis needs to be placed on the development of effective measures in the field of drug supply reduction. more progress should be made to develop integrated policy approches across licit and illicit substances, legal highs, different forms of addiction. Future strateges should be presented as a one integrated document that includes objectives, prioritised actions and covers shorter period of time.

EU Drugs Strategy Preface EU Drugs Strategy provides the overarching political framework and priorities identified by MSs and EU institutions for period 2013 – EU Strategy framework, aim and objectives will serve as a basis for two consecutive 4 year EU Drugs Action Plans. The Strategy aims to contribute to a reduction in drug demand and drug supply within the EU, as well as a reduction as regards health and social risks and harms. Aims will be achieved through integrated, balanced and evidence-based approach.

EU Drugs Strategy The strategy addresses new challenges which have been identified in recent yaers, including: Increasing trend towards poly-substance use Trends towards non-opioid drug use Emergence and spread of new psychoactive substances The need to improve quality and diversification of drug demand reduction servises Blood –borne diseasis – especially hepatisis C virus and potential risks of new outbreaks of HIN infections. High prevelence of drug-related deaths The dinamics in the illicit drug markes (shifting drug trafficing routs, cross-border organized crime, the use of new technologies) The need to prevent precursors, pre-precursors and othes chemicals.

EU Drugs Strategy Evaluation of previous EU Strategy Objectives: 1.To contribute to a measureable reduction of demands for drugs, of drug dependence and of drug-related health and social risks and harms. 2.To contribute to a disruption of the illicit drug market and measureable reduction of the availability of illicit drugs. 3.To encourage coordination through active discourse and analysis of developments and challenges in the field of drugs at EU and international level. 4.To strengthen dialogue between the EU and third countriea and international organizations 5.To contribute to better dissemination of monitoring, research and evaluation in order to provide evidence-base for policies and actions

EU Drugs Strategy The Strategy is structured around two policy areas; -drug demand and -drug supply reduction, and three cross-cutting themes; -coordination -international cooperation -research, information, monitoring and evaluation. Two consecutive Action Plans, drafted by corresponding EU Presidences in 2013 and 2017, will provide a list of specific actions with a timatable, responsible parties,indicators and assessment tools.

EU Drugs Strategy Evaluation. The EU Commossion will initiate: 1.An external mid-term assessment of the Strategy by 2016, in view of preparing a second Action Plan for the period An overall external evaluation of Strategy implementation.

EU Drugs Strategy Final remarks. The new strategy insists on the need to provide adequate resources to the implementation of clearly defined strategic objectives. Consequently, improving internal EU coordination should be a priority in the development of the strategy as well as continuing collaboration with key international partners.

Thank You for your attention. Dr Piotr Jablonski National Bureau for Drug Prevention Warsaw/Poland