We are learning to: - Enhance our Mathematical learning skills. (Which Enterprise skills?) - Accurately interpret different statistical diagrams. (Level 5) Always aim high! LESSON OBJECTIVES Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? AUTHOR Where are we in our journey? Real life cross/curricular links?
LEARNING JOURNEY Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using?
BRAIN IN GEAR Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? Work out the following Mathematical anagrams: TASK EXTENSION Develop your own Mathematical anagrams as above as a creative entrepreneur. PINTERRET VEEARAG TERREPSEN EXAMPLE DITDIONA can be rearranged to make ADDITION Interpret Average Represent
STARTER EXTENSION TASK Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? 1) Convert to an decimal and percentage: 1) Work out the volume and surface area of the cuboid below: = 45% 2) (a) X 3 X = = 13 (b) 8 5 ÷ x 3 54 = = = 4cm = 0.45 Work out the averages and range for: 2, 3, 3, 7, 10 3) Mode = 3 Median = 3 Mean = = 5 Range = = 8 5cm 2cm Volume of a cuboid = l x w x h Volume of a cuboid = 5 x 2 x 4 Volume of a cuboid = 40cm 3 Surface Area = 2lw + 2hw + 2lh Surface Area = 2x5x2+2x4x2 + 2x5x Surface Area = 4 76cm 2
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS NAME AS MANY DIFFERENT STATISICAL DIAGRAMS AS YOU CAN – MINI-WHITEBOARDS STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS Bar chart Pie chart Line graph Frequency polygon Histogram Scatter graph Pictograms OTHERS?
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS CHOOSING AN APPROPRIATE STATISTICAL DIAGRAM DISCRETE DATA CONTINUOUS DATA Type that can be counted or clothing size Type that can be measured Number of screws in a box Shoe/Dress sizes Temperature, height, weight and time REPRESENTING DISCRETE DATA REPRESENTING CONTINUOUS DATA
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS BAR CHART A bar chart is the most common type of diagram, and is frequently used. - If the data is continuous there should be no gap between the bars. - It can be very clear and easy to read. - It can represent data expressed as actual numbers, percentages and frequencies. - A bar chart can represent either discrete or continuous data. - If the data is discrete there should be a gap between the bars. KEY POINTS
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS HISTOGRAM A histogram looks similar to a bar chart, but in this case the area of the bar or rectangle varies with the data, rather than just the length. - It can only be used to represent continuous data. - It can represent data expressed as actual numbers, percentages and frequencies. - It is really only of value if the reader gets more information from a chart where the classes are different sizes. KEY POINTS
- It is not always suitable for large quantities of data. You do not necessarily need one picture per piece of data (in the diagram above, one picture represents two pets). However, you may still need to show smaller quantities (eg half a picture represents one pet) and it may be hard to read if divided further. Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS PICTOGRAM A pictogram uses pictures or symbols to represent a number of units of data. The pictures usually relate to the data shown. - Some pictograms can vary the size of the symbols rather than the number. Do not use this, unless you are confident. It should be the area of the picture that increases in proportion to the frequencies rather than the length, otherwise this can be misleading. - These can be some of the most visually appealing diagrams to use. - They are often used as part of advertising campaigns. - Make sure that it is appropriate for your needs, dont let the medium get in the way of the message. It can be tempting to use pretty pictures but these may make the information less clear; they may also trivialise the topic. KEY POINTS
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS PIE CHART A pie chart shows data in terms of proportions of a whole. The 'pie' is divided into sectors that represent this proportion. This is done by dividing the angles at the centre. - It is best used to present the proportions of a sample. - It is most useful where one or two results dominate the findings. - It can represent data expressed as actual numbers or percentages. - Do not use where there are a large number of categories, or where each has a small, fairly equal share, as this can be unclear. KEY POINTS
TASK (LEVEL 5) – CAROUSEL ACTIVITY Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS As team workers, you have two minutes to answer the statistical diagram question on your table. When the two minutes elapses you need to move onto another table and answer the question. Repeat this until all questions have been answered. 2 minutes End Click to start 3 Bus 30
TASK (LEVEL 5) – CAROUSEL ACTIVITY Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS As team workers, you have two minutes to answer the statistical diagram question on your table. When the two minutes elapses you need to move onto another table and answer the question. Repeat this until all questions have been answered. 2 minutes End Click to start London July (London) and August (Edinburgh) 2 hours
TASK (LEVEL 5) – CAROUSEL ACTIVITY Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS As team workers, you have two minutes to answer the statistical diagram question on your table. When the two minutes elapses you need to move onto another table and answer the question. Repeat this until all questions have been answered. 2 minutes End Click to start Blue 10% Green and Purple 10 Shows all the information in one bar and consumes little space
TASK (LEVEL 5) – CAROUSEL ACTIVITY Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS As team workers, you have two minutes to answer the statistical diagram question on your table. When the two minutes elapses you need to move onto another table and answer the question. Repeat this until all questions have been answered. 2 minutes End Click to start marks & 99 Middle of the group range
TASK (LEVEL 5) – CAROUSEL ACTIVITY Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS As team workers, you have two minutes to answer the statistical diagram question on your table. When the two minutes elapses you need to move onto another table and answer the question. Repeat this until all questions have been answered. 2 minutes End Click to start ITV Channel 5 Sky 1 Around 20
TASK (LEVEL 5) – CAROUSEL ACTIVITY Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS As team workers, you have two minutes to answer the statistical diagram question on your table. When the two minutes elapses you need to move onto another table and answer the question. Repeat this until all questions have been answered. 2 minutes End Click to start 15°C 17°C 9°C Shows the trend and approximate temperature at any time can be read off.
EXTENSION (LEVEL 6) Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? 1) Investigate which other subjects in school make use of statistical diagrams. Find examples in textbooks from other subjects to show where statistical diagrams are used most effectively. STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS 2) Make a display to show the variety of diagrams used in the press. Which are most common? How effectively do they show the information? Are any of them misleading and why?
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? MINI PLENARY ACTIVITY – COMPANY ACCOUNTS STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS Both these companies are big competitors. If you had to invest your money into one of these companies, which one would it be? Examine the tables above and give at least three valid reasons why in pairs. TASK
DISCOVERY LINK BACK TO OBJECTIVES - Accurately interpret different statistical diagrams. Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? What level are we working at?
Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? PLENARY ACTIVITY – UK ECONOMY STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS TASK
Draw your brain What have you learnt? In your brain, write or draw everything you can remember about interpreting different statistical diagrams. It can be a skill or a reflection, or something else that might be prominent in your brain. What level are we working at? Where are we in our journey?
. How well do you understand the task? I dont understand I nearly understand I fully understand Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using? SELF ASSESSMENT Plenary Activity
SELF ASSESSMENT Plenary Activity On your post it notes… Think about how you can improve your work. On your post it notes… Think about how you can improve your work. WWW (What Went Well) EBI (Even Better If) Creative Entrepreneur Responsible Citizen Independent Learner Positive Thinker Team Worker Reflective Learner Enterprise Skills Which ones are you using?