Minds On - Trapezoid In your math notebook – Draw a picture of a trapezoid. Name two characteristics of a trapezoid
Definition of a Trapezoid A four sided shape with two parallel sides having the appearance of a triangle with a flattened top A square with the top narrower than the bottom A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides. The parallel sides are the bases and the nonparallel sides are the legs. It has 4 corners. It has 4 sides. The diagonal sides are the same length. The sides on the top and bottom are a different length.
Picture of a Trapezoid
Review of Shapes Triangle A = ½ b × h Parallelogram A = b × h
Group Work Wait until the teacher says ‘go’ Divide yourself into groups of three When teacher says ‘go’ move to a table with your group Shortest person obtain a ruler and scissors for each group Person with the ‘brightest’ top on be the recorder
Calculate Area Using the triangle sheet, construct a parallelogram and calculate area (using scissors and ruler). Using the trapezoid sheet see if you can calculate the area of this shape (using scissors and ruler). What is the formula ? Can you show the area for the trapezoid in two different ways?
Label the trapezoid. b1 b2 h
Area of two trapezoids (similar shape?) b1 b2 h A = h × (b1 + b2)
Area of a trapezoid. b1 b2 h A = h × (b1 + b2) ÷ 2
Home Activity Text book page 165 ; Questions #9, #10, #14
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