Action Learning Set: Support for Middle Leadership in Multi- agency settings Summary of progress: January 20th 2006. - Output from questionnaires: -What.


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Presentation transcript:

Action Learning Set: Support for Middle Leadership in Multi- agency settings Summary of progress: January 20th Output from questionnaires: -What types of training / development are required? -What does the training need to focus on? - Championing Children initiative - ASPECT : How they might be able to help us

– 2 – Output from questionnaires What types of training / development are required? Supportive and challenging mentorship ( good role models ) Self-directed learning programmes On-line learning programmes Action – Learning Sets: which allow people to develop a real understanding of how their own behaviour and its impact upon others and service delivery. Work shadowing in other agencies / learning alongside Multi-agency workshops / training events – Mixed groups – not silos – Not death by overheads / PP – Interactive – using participants experiences – Easily accessible ( regional) venues

– 3 – Output from questionnaires What does the training need to focus on? Training / development needs to focus on the following key leadership /management activities Leading and managing change Linking strategy and service delivery: – Understanding the gap between strategic vision for change and its impact on practice, and how to close the gap. – Establishing priorities for service delivery Leading and managing multi-agency teams and partnerships: leadership v management Effective working in matrix management environments Forming a personal vision for integrated working and transmitting this to front line workers Leading through networks – political and cultural leadership Effective Partnership Working

– 4 – Output from questionnaires What does the training need to focus on? Monitoring contacts / partnership agreement outcomes Motivating and empowering others Negotiating skills Mentoring and coaching skills Facilitating meetings of multi-agency groups Networking: establishing effective informal working relationships The implications of the diversity and inclusion agenda

– 5 – Output from questionnaires What does the training need to focus on? To ensure that middle leaders are effective in the key leadership and Management areas training / development needs to help them to develop their: Knowledge and Understanding of: Different organisations/agencies: key roles, language ( lexicon), policies, governance issues and legislation Effective Commissioning Change management processes Effective multi-agency /partnership working approaches Effective matrix management approaches Training / development needs to help middle leaders to develop the following Personal attributes: Flexibility and adaptability Confidence and optimism Training / development needs to support middle leaders to develop the following Skills Sets Negotiating skills Questioning skills Interpersonal skills Communication skills Coaching and \ mentorship skills Project Management skills

– 6 – Available Support: Championing Children DfES A shared set of skills, knowledge and behaviours for those leading and managing integrated childrens services This is a tool with a variety of use, but a single purpose: to establish a common understanding about the distinctive and different abilities required by managers of childrens services who are responsible for teams that include professionals from different sectors and backgrounds; and for services that break the mould

– 7 – Available Support: Championing Children It highlights seven aspects of management and /or leadership, all but one of which map directly onto either the Leadership and Management Standards or the Common Core for the frontline childrens workforce. Under each heading is a description of how it applies distinctively to managers of multi-agency childrens services. The headings are: – Achieving outcomes – Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child – Providing direction – Leading and Managing Change – Working with people – Managing information – Communicating and engaging effectively with children, young people and families

– 8 – Available Support: Championing Children It isolates what is important and distinctive about the abilities required by managers of multi-agency or integrated childrens services. It aims to establish a shred set of skills, knowledge and behaviours, towards which managers from any sector and across a range of settings can work Directors and senior managers in local agencies can use this set as a tool for workforce strategies, including recruitment, development and workforce planning and re-modelling in he context of the national and local actions described in the Childrens Workforce Strategy. It can also support development of performance management frameworks. Generic management and leadership development programmes targeted at relevant sectors should also take account of these competencies, so that participants are helped to identify how their existing skills can transfer to their new role – and how what they are learning now applies to their specific role.

– 9 – Available Support: Championing Children This is a resource with the holistic needs of children at its heart, underpinned by the desire to change the culture and values of childrens services forever, so that they are inclusive, holistic, responsive and ambitious. It gives a very strong message that the values underpinning Every Child Matters need to drive that transformation. THE TOOL KIT IS CURRENTLY BEING PILOTTED IN: BALCKBURN WITH DAWIN BRIGHTON AND HOVE BRISTON ESSEX SOUTHWARK WARINGTON AND WILTSHIRE The pilot phase runs until march/April 06, after which, and following evaluation of the feedback, the national roll-out will take place.

– 10 – ASPECT The Association of Professionals in Education and Childrens Trusts -Formerly NAEIAC -Head of training and professional development: Judith Hibbert Judith is currently putting together a list of provision / providers who may be helpful to us.